
joined 1 year ago
[–] FelipeFelop 2 points 1 year ago

I don’t get the link. What have smart cars got to do with phone screens breaking. Surely the people who design smart cars will be different than the people who design phone screens ?

[–] FelipeFelop 1 points 1 year ago

I agree. But thinking in a mathematical way, they talk about defining things in terms of simpler things.

So we could change the question to be “What do you call a word that can’t be defined in terms of simpler words?”

For example. In English, try to define “a”

[–] FelipeFelop 3 points 1 year ago

There’s an awful lot crammed into the bottom left of a post. I would move the posters ‘name’ to the top and spread the bottom line out.

[–] FelipeFelop 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It literally says that it’s due to ageism!

[–] FelipeFelop 4 points 1 year ago

That was quick work, just updated. Thank you 😊

[–] FelipeFelop 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It was you that brought up using computers. You didn’t say anything about learning or progressing.

As for certain age, I think your answer actually supports my piint that it’s down to individual experience rather than age. Consider a manual worker who doesn’t trust technology and will only have a basic dumb phone. They are technology averse but might be in their 20s.

Computerisation of the workplace started in the 70s (I was there) and by the mid 80s was commonplace. Even shops were installing computerised systems then, even if it was a standalone register with a number of preset department numbers. A conservative estimate is that the majority of people working and living from 1990 onwards would have experience of computers whether at work, in shops, at the bank, in the car or public transport or at home. Let’s be generous and say they retired in 2000 at age 60 (will be higher in most countries) after ten years of familiarity then they’d be over 80 now.

And yet we have people much younger than that who are technology averse and unable or willing to learn. Why is that? Because age is not the deciding factor but people’s own lives experience.

Have a look at the UN Global Report on ageism and how it affects younger people as well as older people. The flip side of stereotyping older people is that you automatically stereotype younger people as being easily able to do the thing you think older people can’t do.

You’re right that the UN is not always consistent but note that the Secretary General is not talking exclusivity but that more support is needed and that they are referring to new technologies rather than email which has been around for over 50 years. I sent my first email in 1981 when addresses were resolved in the opposite way to nowadays.

[–] FelipeFelop 1 points 1 year ago

Excellent point

[–] FelipeFelop 3 points 1 year ago

Agreed, this is the most on topic post we’ve had for a while.

[–] FelipeFelop 2 points 1 year ago

Generally conservation of energy applies in a closed system, so wouldn’t apply at the creation of the system.

(Plus we can’t (yet) be sure what caused the Big Bang if it happened)

I’ve always liked the idea that matter, space and time are the way we observe the interactions of fields. So gravity waves make an interesting idea as to how part of it might work

Did you know there is some evidence that our brains are apparently aware of certain events before they actually happen. This isn’t supernatural but possible evidence of something going on outside of the space time we are familiar with. Or that time is not a straightforward arrow in one direction.

[–] FelipeFelop 2 points 1 year ago

Pulsars are made of matter, which runs into the how did it all start problem (if there was no big bang to create the matter)

[–] FelipeFelop 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yes, but black holes are an accretion of matter, that as far as we know is locked away until it evaporates. For there to be a net increase in overall matter due to gravitational waves there’d need to be either another source of waves (as in the field theory) or the waves would have to produce matter at a rate in violation of E=mc^2+C (which could be wrong)

[–] FelipeFelop 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think number 1 would need some sort of hosting to cache the image, which would have a cost.

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