[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 9 points 3 weeks ago

"Boring" people often have a good time with other "boring" people. So it's maybe just a case of looking in the wrong places?

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 10 points 3 months ago

This sounds more like you not really being aware of your qualities, and/or you looking at females who would not be a match for you (meaning neither of you would be satisfied if you tried). While there do exist qualities which make people truely unattractive (disorders such as uncontrolled rage for example), you don't say that.
It's true that mating choice in humans is foremost the female's choice, yet you might be surprised by what they see as qualities to appreciate. If you are an introvert, despair not, because 30-ish percent of all people could be classified as such, and that specifically could be seen as an appreciable quality by a woman who also sees herself as such ...

You are only invisible if you literally hide away. -- You do not give us much information as to why you think this way, or about your cultural background. You might be truely physically impaired or clinically depressive, or part of a culture where men and women are mostly kept separated, and that would actually make it more difficult but not impossible at all to find a match. Not having such information, i will refrain myself from just telling you to "go out of your hole more, man" and such. --

May we perhaps get a hint at your age? Because answers could get more helpful if we knew. (Don't ever think you are too old)

Yet, in whatever way you are set up, think of it like this: there are likely, literally, millions of people in your area and half of them are women, and a good percentage of those are in your age range (the older you get the wider this range gets). You can be certain that there is a sizeable number of women who have the same kind of thoghts and feelings as you do right now, and perhaps more important even, Your emotional and mental state can and will change.
In other words, you are certainly not unworthy in the eyes of the one you would not have expected to find you attractive. Of course, you need to actually show up in places where you likely meet people who share your interests (iow. "find you attractive") ...

My own experience: considered myself an "introvert" (until more recently i learned it's likely "more than just that"). Had great difficulties finding the right approach toward women in general, until i was 25 ... when it happened for the first time that a woman approached me, in a very assuring way (like, "want to come home with me, we make food and then I'd like to show you around my bedroom"). I took the chance and although i was "easy prey" for her it was the right thing to do because she was treating my inexperience in a sensitive way. Nevertheless, she was not a good match interest-wise, so that lasted only a couple of monts (and broke in anger).
A year later, a similar thing happened again ... at a seminar after-party, a student colleague who i wouldn't have thought of just so asked if she could stay the night with me. She didn't appear the most attractive to me but neither did i seem to be particularly attractive to others. Somehow i was wrong. That time it turned out quickly that it was me who was the more experienced one. ... And that woman was an "introvert" match (whom i now think of as being "more than just introvert", too) -- we've been a couple for seven years. ...
After that, both our paths in life changed considerably so we broke up in mutual agreement that we both needed to experience new things in life (i found a more spiritual-leaning path and learned what "love" is really about; she went with another man and discovered that she wanted to have children after all). ...

The relevant part here is that despite me thinking of myself not being particularly attractive, it kept happening that women just approached me, asking quite explicitly. -- And it almost always happened when i had gone into the company of like-minded people, but without the specific intent to seek out a woman. I can only remember one time when i did make an explicit move myself (even at that occasion i knew that i wouldn't get turned down because of the way she went all so lovely excited both times we had met before).
All in all, i wasn't together with very many and now that i'm older i still miss finding my true partner, but i can say that any of the experiences i got the chance to have, had its distinct flavour of enjoyability (well, perhaps minus the one time she later admitted she had abused me). Many of the women i love, i did never even get close to. A couple of times it was me who had to leave them behind because our paths just couldn't go together. A number of times it was sexual enjoyment for a number of days.

If you are asking, how does it feel ... well that's asking for poetry. Every experience is different though, and so will be yours (yes i say it will). It can be very satisfying, very lacking, questionable, exciting, soothing, mind-melting, enchanting, hurting, teaching. Pick yours. :-)

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 7 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

You are damn right when you are frustrated, and you are damn right in expressing that.

I am sad and embarassed (right word?) about all the unempathic comments you are being met with.(*) I'd say ignore them if you can -- literally put them on your ignore list if you wish, and take them perhaps as your involuntary helpers who demonstrate what you are usually met with (if this is the case). So that this has a purpose and doesn't hurt you ...

Like someone else commented, you probably do not want such people to be your "friends" -- they would only be friends with that mask you present to them in order to appease. Your frustrated/lonely expression is a mask, too. But that one they don't like and why you wear it doesn't interest them.

Kick that idea that you are disabled (i know, i know, but try to push it away) and it will help you to relax (that's important). The more we train a specific thought pattern, the more that will become our only reality.

Being on your own, or being in the position of the quiet observer for the time being could actually be a good thing to have, as it will give you inner and outer room to move (away from the rigid/unrelaxed idea which makes it seem a burden). Look for such people whose presence you would enjoy. That is, such people whith whom you would resonate, naturally. Those might be the ones who are able to observe beyond the mask and those who play alone. They might not be the most relaxed ones, initially.

The good fruit are rare and you are young. I hope this resonates or is at least a lottle comforting. From someone who had many developments happen ten years late.
[leaving that typo as-is because i like that word ... a lottle]

(*) I just held myself back from answering each of those comments with "this hurts" ... but it would have me spam the comment tree. Leaving it up to you.

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 7 points 11 months ago

The whole of paleontology/paleo-anthropology has this problem because for remains of organisms to be preserved certain conditions must be met, which is not the case everywhere at any time.

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 28 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Privacy means that you can talk/act safely in your own closed-off space while no-one knows what you do. The opposite of private is public.
Anonymity means that you can safely talk/act in public space while no-one knows who does it. The opposite of anonymous is ... identified.

If you want your talk be private while doing it in public or via an untrusted service, you can use obfuscation/encryption of the content/payload data of your talk (still anyone could receive it and know it's from you and if they have the key they can decipher it).

If you want to be anonymous in public space, you have to obfuscate the metadata of your talk (so that no-one knows who said it but anyone can still receive it).

*And here is a bit of an overlap depending on where we want to draw the boundary of our privacy realm. In some cases, the knowledge about metadata like location and time of a message can be breach privacy while in other cases this is irrelevant.

You could also do both, meaning you'd have an anonymous appearance in a public/untrusted space, having a conversation with only those people who have the key to your messages. That's a stunt which is not easily accomplished, as obviously you'll need a way to let others know how to reach you, and exchange keys (in other words, you'll have to first make an appointment in private and in a trusted space).

[wanted to write two sentences, no so much text :-D]

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Relevant link: https://interpeer.io/blog/2023/07/google-vs-the-open-web/
Bottom line: Google want to introduce a live certification process for web clients so that webservers can potentially discriminate against specific configurations.


[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 27 points 11 months ago

Besides all the very interesting comments and links here about the violent history of the area, here's an answer from one Israeli guy I once asked a similar question. His take was that it is basically a mafiose environment now ... "both sides are corrupt to their core" -- the religiosity of the people would be abused by profiteers.

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Oh man the various English' pronunciashuns ...

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 18 points 1 year ago

Being annoyed is only one of the reasons for shying away flies but most times it would be waste of energy and attention.

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 10 points 1 year ago

Obviously, never enter your real number in a web form unless the service depends on you getting called back ... in which case you likely would have called the company by phone anyway.

[-] DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No water allowed that essentially excludes all beverage. If i could have anything else, i'd go with at least two kilos of fruit and berries per day, preferably melon, cucumber, oranges, cherries, raspberry (any berry actually...), plume, pear, apricot. And the occasional fish.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz to c/autism@lemmy.world

Maaan! I got a rant. :-)
Sometimes i feel so out of place, like seeing the greater picture, and seeing some structural error in stuff i have to cope with. And naturally, my mind will come up with ways to do all that better. But of course, i'm not in a position of power to change things, and everyone's voice wants to be equally important, and although i would have a plan ready there's no way to just make it happen without others having understood and validate it, and there may even not be an environment that would facilitate real constructive discussion.

So often i'm seeing myself as fighting collective idiocy. It's draining.

My current example (but it's just the thing which has currently captured me)
Edited this away because i feel too exposed. It's not important what example i would bring. I think fellow fractal ND minds know what i'm talking about.

... And that while i know a lot about how the collective mind-field works. I know how to work in that, actually. If the people are tuned in, then i do not actually need to persuade anyone but i can do some magic and place an imprint in "the field". Others would be a bit more slow in picking that up but i'd just need to be patient and in the end they would have done it the way i had known it all along. -- It's just that people are not usually connected and they probably never learned how to make an environment that would facilitate such a connection and harmonic tuning.

I should probably just get out of here, try to meditate, let it all go, and try to meet real people.

tl;dnr: Awareness can be haunting. In Process Work, it's about "owning one's rank". Which needs the right environment.

How do you cope with knowing better but not being able to communicate it so that your being-there-knowing-it would actually make sense?


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/177673

Today, a bunch of new instances appeared in the top of the user count list. It appears that these instances are all being bombarded by bot sign-ups.

For now, it seems that the bots are especially targeting instances that have:

  • Open sign-ups
  • No captcha
  • No e-mail verification

I have put together a spreadsheet of some of the most suspicious cases here.

If this is affecting you, I would highly recommend considering one of the following options:

  1. Close sign-ups entirely
  2. Only allow sign-ups with applications
  3. Enable e-mail verification + captcha for sign-ups

Additionally, I would recommend pre-emptively banning as many bot accounts as possible, before they start posting spam!

Please comment below if you have any questions or anything useful to add.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

Recently when following a link to Wikipedia, there in the text my reading was interrupted by a word that just looks ugly: "possesses". I find it a massively disturbing eyesore. Can I complain somewhere for that word to be changed?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz to c/autism@lemmy.world

Just followed a link from !til@lemmy.ca, and came across this word. Ey! Although i had no difficulty reading it, the look of that word in sans-serif font stopped my reading. It's ugly as fuck! ๐Ÿ˜†

(it was in a thing about convergent evolution)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz to c/autism@lemmy.world

edit: photo link

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz to c/autism@lemmy.world

This is somehow the second part of my previous post: I am not always like this.

I've been pondering to make another neurodivergent space, which could be related to this one here but it would be different. That would be over at https://sh.itjust.works, ... sooo ... the name would "check out":

( copy this into your search bar i your server can't yet find the community: https://sh.itjust.works/c/neurodivergent ... yeah right, there it is! 8-) )

We see, that would not just be yet another channel about autism (or neurodiversity anyway), but i would like it to be a divergent playground, so to say. Or an exhibit? A collective? -- Whatever. I know that divergent people are able to do that art of a special kind. Especially the awakened ones, they will be able to let something come through them. ... Just what i don't know is -- if there would actually be someone who understands what i mean, ! LOL !

When i play my drum, and i can have something come through, and i just watch my hands do the thing -- as soon as thinking comes in the way then it doesn't work. Then i know, i'm lucid. I can just be. And it will be something that is divergent from everything else.

With that i also mean irony for example. I myself can write in a way that there is kind of another dimension in it. If i'm awake, that is. When the way in which i'm writing something reflects the thing which i'm writing about, and it just so happens. That's irony at its best. ...

Perhaps i let speak Ayla Nereo's Dawn To Flight: *weep*.
This song made my company a year ago. It was so very talking to me. It is telling about her transition toward just letting herself do the way she does things, apparently talking to her angel. The song does exactly that -- the way the song tells a story and the way in which she likely wrote many of her songs -- letting it talk -- is in the meaning of the story itself. I would call that divergent art. Ayla is truely unique. Lyrics are found on the bandcamp page farther down.
Ayla is what i would see as neurodivergent (just check out her lyrics!) but i do not think she is typically autistic. Her art is one-of-a-kind, though.

So, that would be the place to collect some neurodivergent shit that just works, like Ayla's, or whatever people bring in as their own speciality. We do not need to be geniuses. Cheerfulness very welcome, as the aim is mutual enabling. Uniqueness counts. No one will pity you for that! --

Of course, anyone who came there for talk about autism etc. would be redirected to hereabout, or the more belligerent/scientific autism place at beehaw.org.

Anyone up for this? Moderate even? Link and crosspost?

... And to be more clear, i'm still uncertain (oh that again!), and i have yet to catch an idea of what i would be doing there, myself! I'm quite sleepless atm, therefore it might take time. ;-)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by DivergentHarmonics@sopuli.xyz to c/autism@lemmy.world

Thing is, i don't think of myself as primary "autistic". I am "not always like this" -- sometimes i can be lucid, or "awakened" as some call it.

Therefore, i like to make the distinction between neurodivergent and autistic. For me, being autistic is those times when i feel handicapped; disconnected, unable to converse properly, anxious, readily picking up any spirit there is in the room. I wouldn't necessarily call that state pathologic but it can for sure lead to such consequences. After all, that is also part of my work. --
I had learned what that was about, that i used to feel so misplaced, when i had run into autistic burn-out. That was actually very relieving to have found out ... it finally had a name!

Yet i am still neurodivergent.
[ Yeah, this is going to be a bit lenghty. This is how i'm doing right now. ]

Yet actually, i had found out something much more exciting much earlier. That was back in 2010, when a series of notable events climaxed in my first awakening. That's a thing which can not be truely described. It needs to be personally experienced in order to be fully embraced. The best description i can give is that most people are like sleepwalking. Once we awaken, we just know. --

Those who see, they know ...

(And now i wonder if there might even be someone who has received the other parts of this formula. They would greeet me back for sure. :-)

In another culture which i'm not following -- and i think it's a kind of dangerous philosophy -- there is but a word for this which has a nice sound: satori. It went very suddenly, that one day i knew my true Self. Some may call it "divine" and it very well seemed so to me. But what is divine anyway. We are all an aspect of that. ... Anyway, from there on my path in life should nevermore be the same. I left the highway and went into rough territory.

One can perhaps already see how even speaking of an "I" had become rather complicated, because technically the one who is making the sounds and does the thinking, that human, has become a mere instrument of that which is truely the Self. An avatar we can call it. My avatar. One who is sometimes a little autistic.

That is not really the story now to tell. So, fast forward ...
[ Intermezzo: this shitty music streamer always plays me the same stuff, but now this fits, so if anyone wants to listen into it and connect through time to where i am, here you go: Karuna (Unknown Reality Remix) ]
Okay, hahah ... fast forward to 2019, there i finally found out that this avatar had a slightly autistic issue. It had gotten worse. -- But i had done my due process, slowly but surely, therefore i can now claim to have likely found a key to step out of the autistic state.

Yet i am still neurodivergent. And this is important.

This is actually the beauty about it. -- I am not always "like that". I can be quite lucid, and that is something else! Neurodivergent people are capable of doing arts of another kind. I'm doing that as well. Sometimes. If i'm not miserable. If i'm in a nourishing environment. It's hard to explain, but the ones who see me they know me. I think this is what i'm up to; I'd like to know if anyone else has experiences of this kind. It's of a spiritual kind. Your mind has learned it is to be the servant, and boah what a relief! ... If you can follow intuition (i did train that and the key i'm talking about is right there), if you are -- well sometimes -- guided and protected, and you know that with your divergence, you will do magic ... then you might be one of those i'm asking the universe for, to find.

There is kind-of a second episode to this post -- Creating a neurodivergent playground and art collection. See you there!

And anyway, check out Unknown Reality, perhaps Gaia -- the polyrhythmic pieces -- the man is a genius -- and when you hear the second CD of the same double album, which is by Braincell, who is actually the same guy Ralph K. ... and you plug in your earphones ... and if you want to crank that up louder -- there you dance with me! Heh! ๐Ÿ™ƒ


... *cringe*

Note:It's a joke and at the same time it's not.
Isn't it ironic how the most typical casual greeting formula, aiming at establishing a friendly connection to the other, can be like a torture -- exactly because no honest answer is expected.


That the jumping was staged, that I knew already.

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