[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Its not my thing but I can understand why people do it. I had friends who had a ton of fertility issues and several miscarriages. Finding out the gender on ultrasound is a milestone. They had never had a pregnancy last that long. It means they made it that far and all looked well. They wanted to celebrate as much as possible. They didn't care what the gender was and that pregnancy meant the world to them. I don't think she saw her son as an accessory at all. Who am I to get upset when people find an excuse to throw a party? There are some people who see their children as accessories but throwing an extra party isn't the measure of that.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

And never intend to have children because emergency care is unavailable.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

That shit was wild. It went on for so long and impacted so many people. At that point I have to think people were intentionally ignoring it. It ruined so many lives just to say "haha sorry, was a software glitch" when they could have investigated it at any point and definitely should have with the strange uptick in "embezzlement".

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

They weren't. Its just like today where they were steeped in propaganda. Thats no excuse. We should have crushed them after the war. Since we didn't we have had to repeatedly deal with the traitors.

Even now we should be crushing Texas instead of playing their games. We are responsible for enabling their abhorrent behavior.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Except part of that response is because suffocating is uncomfortable. If I had to die id rather drift off to sleep. Your grandstanding here isn't going to get rid of the death penalty in Alabama. It may as well be more humane. Unless you are for more discomfort to make a point.

There was a dude who used to sell kits for people to kill themselves with helium. Random people can manage it with a hood they put on themselves. Its less prone to error than other forms such as lethal injection where they have to be able to hit a vein and not blow it.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Don't let ideals get in the way of good. While what you say is true, he could literally help no one if he hadn't followed this business model. He wouldn't have the cash. His videos bring in more cash which can help more people. Yes he makes money too but its more distasteful to me to be someone like you who prefers less people get help if someone else profits from it than it is to be someone like him who helps more people than you are and also makes money from it.

A bit rich for you to be saying his way is wrong when you probably haven't ponyed up your own cash to help even a fraction of the people. The world you want to exist does not. Everything has a cost. Id rather people do some good in exchange for that cost than wish everyone did everything for free which incentivizes no one to do anything.

I don't watch him. His videos don't really appeal for me but I recognize the good that can be done in such a format.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

How many of those businesses work people so hard/overnight so they are sleeping in their offices? Its Ohio so probably not many but its probably still happened.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Its the intent that matters though. They dont get a heads up because people show up trying to better their own lives. When they dont give a heads up to other states and drop people off in freezing temperatures, they are intentionally hurting people. If Texas doesn't want to deal with it they should surrender the land a few hundred miles around the border. They won't because land is a valuable resource. They have more of that resource than many other states, dealing with having a border is part of the price of it.

The other problem is the reason they are doing it is to intentionally cause conflict with other states. That is the act of an enemy. Its cold war behavior. There is a reason I think of Texans as enemies of the US. They identify as Texan first, American second. They only care about getting ahead even at the expense of the country. We should absolutely accept refugees from that hellhole but we should also absolutely hold them accountable for being hostile to other states. They also get federal money to deal with it. Other states do not. They are stealing if they are offloading that responsibility on states who do not get funding for it. They can't whine about being solely responsible for it when they get funding and are also actively interfering with border patrol.

I must admit Texas is the best at propaganda and playing victim. It feels extremely dystopian stepping off the plane and immediately noticing the pictures of Texas on everything. It was so wild I couldn't help but laugh at how up their own asses they are. Their propaganda is so effective people in this thread really think they dont get funding and have to secure it on their own. Its just another lie they spin to win support and apparently its quite effective.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 12 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Lmao seems to me the best solution is to seize all of Texas' land around the border. If the border is such an inconvenience, surely they won't mind the feds taking it off their hands? Unless of course its just something for them to whine about. California has more illegal immigrants than Texas yet somehow manages to thrive. Yet somehow Texas can't do the same?

The biggest issue with this is not sending them to other states. Its using people as pawns and making their lives more difficult just to stick it to other states. They should be coordinating for that reason alone. They dont because they care more about sticking it to other states than about being decent humans. In my opinion that is not the act of a "united" state. Its the act of an enemy. Texas has decided to start a cold war with its hostile actions. The intent matters. They are intentionally making this a bigger issue than it needs to be just so they can act hostile toward other states. Thats fucked on so many levels. Im perfectly fine accepting refugees from Texas whether it be healthcare, their trans witch hunt, or their behavior toward illegal immigrants. That isn't the issue here. The issue is their hostile behavior.

Im of the mind they should not receive a federal penny while they are making attacks on other states and preventing the feds from doing their jobs at the border. I didnt elect Texans to oversee foreign policy. Its about time biden nationalized the national guard and reminded Texas that it doesn't run the show. Its about time Texans had to suffer for the suffering they inflict on others. Sucks for those not inflicting it but thats why I support a refugee program. Terrible people can keep being terrible because they never suffer for it. Making them feel the weight of their choices probably won't change them as they are rotten to the core, but enabling them only makes the rest of us complicit in their lack of humanity.

The only problem it makes anyone realize is how inhumane Texas and the people who support this are. Texans aren't very bright if they think its sending any kind of message about immigration itself. Its only showing more people how awful Texans are and how they care more about sticking it to other states than having any basic humanity. Anybody who supports this is a horrible person who thinks its acceptable to use human lives as pawns to throw tantrums with.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 11 points 8 months ago

Even if more did, would it change anything? Most politicians seem to have the same shitty stance. At least most politicians that the average American will vote for. Biden stance sucks but its not something that differentiates him from most other politicians. I wouldn't expect it to play out much differently with someone else.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago

Keep at arms length. Her unhappiness isn't your problem and you can't fix it anyway. Someone who rants about how other people greet them will never be happy. They will always be unhappy if something doesn't go exactly like they want. Not worth wasting energy trying to please them. Everyone will know how she is from her rants.

[-] Cowlitz@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

I'm not commenting on the journal or the article specifically. My bf used to work with primates in harem groups. His facility put a young male in with a group of females who's male had passed away. They beat the shit out of him and they had to remove him. They were dumb enough to try again and got the same result and a male who was now afraid of females.

The premise is obviously not wrong across all primates because there are species with female leadership such as bonobos. I think even in male dominanted societies females could potentially gain power by banding together (they are often close relatives) against a male. I could see other males using that as an opportunity to move in. While the males are larger and more aggressive. Most primate groups have a single male with several females. They may not be as strong but they have numbers. The biggest issue is their baby. Males are the biggest danger to babies, even their own. They also have reason not to oust males because a new male often kills all the babies.

This may not be the study to provide evidence for this due to some issues but its still an interesting topic to think about.

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