As a nurse, the reactionary response of anti-vax conservatives to the pandemic really put the lie to Maslow. Human beings absolutely prioritize belonging above their basic survival needs.
There are people living in vans scraping by on meager SS who are happy as peaches with their new life right up until some illness or injury lands them in my hospital unit and they have no option for support except our horrific nursing home system.
Don't fetishize poverty.
We have a frequent flyer patient at our hospital who has aphasia, a brain condition which causes nonsense words to come out instead of what the person was intending to say.
We have a NO idea what this person is saying, but his tone of voice and delivery are completely normal even though the content of the words are meaningless. So I can confirm, this guy cracks jokes and is hilarious (he laughs at his own jokes and you can't help but laugh with him.)
The German memes feel similar. I don't understand the words, but the intent is clear enough for me to enjoy seeing them.
I mean. I like seeing merch from my favorite creators and sometimes I buy it. T-shirts are cool. It's easier for me to know what's available if there are thumbnails large enough for me to actually see the product.
And these links appear below the video, they are not intrusive to the watching experience in any way whatsoever. So yeah, I genuinely think this is a huge overreaction.
I pay for premium and not even once have I thought anything other than "oh cool, this channel has merch"
No, the project there referring to is run by 23andme. My whole family participates in the same research because so many of us have Crohn's disease.
This is how I feel. I don't hate Google. But I do want to see them broken up and regulated much more than they currently are.
It has to be aerosolized to do that, which isn't going to just randomly happen from opening an envelope. You'd have to do something deliberately really stupid like spray it into a theater full of innocent hostages.
Oh. Are you not aware of the background of this whole thing? The company didn't fail after he left. The company was a scam right from the start and he was directly involved. He's just a grifter.
free speech and government oversight
That's not what I read into this at all, but something far more sinister that I see happening in the world right now. Certain power players using "government oversight" as a disingenuous excuse to attack the means for regular people around the world to speak directly to one another without the filters that favor narratives that the power players prefer, and for regular people to coordinate with one another.
The Arab Spring and BLM protests scared some people and it's showing.
No, he has 2% of that 4.6% and people are just bad at understanding how percentages work.
Not that one individual having a full 2% of the wealth of an entire generation is a great thing.
I think overpopulation is a non-issue because I prefer to follow the data over my own intuition. And the data shows that population is already slowing and will peak without intervention.
And I think it's extraordinarily important to reiterate that point because of the extreme dangers of any attempt at population control to devolve into outright eugenics and genocide.
The most effective and the only ethical means of population control is a combination of increasing the availability of birth control, providing family planning education, and reducing child mortality. Yes this needs to be part of our climate change solutions, we're doing this, and it's already working.