Oh, so it's yet another one of those problems caused by that whole "let's take this four legged mammal body plan and make it stand upright" thing. Thanks, evolution!
I can't tell you how often this ends old people's lives. They start to aspirate food, get hospitalized for nasty pneumonia because of it, we try to feed them pureed food (essentially baby food all over again) and thicken their drinks, they struggle to stay hydrated and nourished because of it, they aspirate and end up in the hospital again. Rinse, repeat.
This is shockingly common. Evolution is a dick.
I'm mean, to be honest, yes. I haven't purchased anything from Amazon in years. It was an adjustment, but easier than you think. Most times, I just wait a little longer for free delivery of something I don't care about getting in two days anyway. One of the other changes I made was getting a membership to a Costco type place that has local delivery for my household stuff like cereal and toilet paper. You should give it a shot.
"Virtually all scholars agree that a Jewish man named Jesus of Nazareth did exist in Palestine in the 1st century CE.[1][7][8][note 1] Scholars regard the question of historicity as generally settled in scholarship in the early 20th century."
Golf course lawns are lame and terrible for the environment.
That was me last fall with my "trash and leaves pile" that is now a nice new garden with flowers and decorative grass
I am definitely the bad kid on the block lol
I think "several inches" is a bit overwrought. It's like one layer of leaves that will be mulched up the instant I mow next spring. And what is a "good idea"? What's going to happen? Some grass might die. Oh noes, the world will end!
We need to rethink how we live in all respects. And not depleting lawns of nutrients that we have to replace with artificial fertilizer is part of that
Usually I mulch mow my leaves. This year I just left them whole. We'll see come spring how much the anti-leaf doomsayers are correct or not. "It can kill grass!" they say. Well, I'm not trying to make my yard look like a golf course in the first place, so maybe let's start there.
This is me. I no longer scroll Reddit. I only go over there to browse the nursing and Boston subreddits occasionally because I can't get that same interaction here. Everything else I do here now.
Waiting to see how this study shakes out at work.
Comment saved because my god I get so tired of trying to explain this to people, and I've never done so as eloquently as this.