LITERAL blasphemy. Like actual, textbook blasphemy. And his sycophants lap it up.
Oh fuck off. You know damn well that 90% of society would raise an eyebrow at a 3 year old boy trudging around in high heels and getting into mom's lipstick.
What part of this was self-determined is hard for you to understand? Transition was 100% initiated and driven BY HER. It's what she wanted because it's what she understood herself to be inside her own mind.
I mean, this is literally a prime example of why people insist (correctly) that ALL cops are bad. Because if they're good for 3 seconds, they get fired or chased out.
Final Destination, Expanse style? That sounds... unpleasant lol
Huh, now that's super interesting.
Ok you and I both have to go to sleep, but now you've got me wondering about the eternal debate amongst our medical residents about benzos vs. barbiturates for acute alcohol withdrawal. I'll have to read up on this some more
Bathroom? Going out Elvis style
Nice username, fam! I've not found an Expanse community around here yet, but I see lots of fans
Oh you're getting in the weeds now hahaha. Looks like it's primarily GABA_A
I just had to look that shit up haha. I've never thought to check into it beyond just "you're not breathing, so I'm about to make you very angry by reversing your high, sorry bro" lol
So, it's interesting, because it's well-known to have effects on the same GABA receptors as benzodiazepines (like Xanax), but none of the addictive, physical dependence problems, and apigenin doesn't respond consistently to the drug we use to reverse benzos (called flumazenil).
So... we're not entirely sure? It could still be the GABA effects that help with sleep. But there's also a host of antiinflammatory neurological effects that probably better explain its efficacy against Alzheimer's, for example.
Now, if you really want to put yourself to sleep, feel free to crawl through this alphabet soup of a research article lol:
Here, I found a good article for you:
Literally the only thing that gives me refreshing sleep. (See also: mitochondrial dysfunction that I mentioned in my other comment about CQ10.) Apigenin seems to improve what's called "sleep architecture" in a way that none of the pharmaceuticals I've ever tried do.
You joke, however...