No, dracaena species in particular are sensitive to minerals and fluoride in tap water. I water my dracaena with bleach sterilized rainwater (after a livingroom-wide leaf spot outbreak a couple years ago). They're just fussy.
I moved here because this is what exists lol. I didn't design this place. It's what's here.
I'm obviously not forcing my opinion on anyone because we live in a democracy. I'm allowed to have a different opinion from my neighbors. I hope you realize that. Maybe ask why you're allowed to force your preferences on ME even though I have actual data and evidence that it's nicer on my side of things and you'll be happier here even though you've been taught to believe otherwise.
Let me introduce you to some great resources on just how modern and terrible an anomaly American suburbs are. Really, they're terrible. Terrible for your health, terrible for the environment, terrible for society and the economy. Ugly, soulless, fragile, useless Ponzi scheme that needs to end.
Lol, I'm not young. I'm pushing 50.
Multi use land developments increase property values, and I would love to have some shops that I can walk to. Fuck suburbs. Fuck excluding people. I want housing density and actually walkable neighborhoods. YIMBY. Thanks.
GOP death cult be like, "Hear me out, do you really NEED to live though?"
Mixed use land developments increase property values. My neighbors believe urban myths and lies, so I'm not particularly inclined to be any more fair to them than I would be to someone who believes that vaccines cause autism.
I own a house here too, ya know. I don't share their misguided concerns. Yes there will be traffic. I believe we have reasonable options to mitigate that.
But it looks like the rich, old NIMBYs are going to win this fight, and keep people locked out as always.
To me, it's all about rational return on investment providing economic incentives to achieve what we want to achieve.
My favorite example to explain what I mean is my own personal health insurance. I have a chronic medical condition that requires constant medication, frequent visits to specialists, and expensive medical tests and procedures. There is simply zero chance that I will ever pay enough in a monthly premium to cover what I cost. Meaning I am always a net financial loss for a private, for-profit insurance company.
This gives a private company every incentive in the world to obstruct and deny my care in hopes that I'll get frustrated and give up, or maybe even die and get off their books forever.
The government, on the other hand, has a positive financial incentive to keep me healthy. If I am healthy, I am working, paying taxes, buying goods and services that contribute to the economy, and hopefully contributing something beneficial to my community. Only the government (acting as a proxy for "society") naturally profits from insuring my healthcare.
This is why I believe we should have fully socialized medical care. Because there are some specific things that only the government has natural positive economic incentives that align with what is beneficial for the general public.
Whatever those things are, they should be socialized. And generally those things are basic life sustaining things like food, housing, medicine, education, utilities.
I'm fine with privatized capitalism in a very restricted, heavily regulated niche form. But all the basic necessities should be socialized.
I'm the only person on my street actually in favor of the proposed multi-use housing/shopping complex a developer wants to build a block over from us. I can't change the minds of all these old people. I'm pretty sure we're just fucked until they all move out or pass on.
The power of healing could be used to infinitely torture someone without killing them. Definitely has a dark side.
All power must be applied ethically
Revolutions hurt poor and working class people more than they hurt those in power. Violent revolutions are not something that should ever be worshipped or deliberately sought.
This could be a nursing meme and still 100% accurate lol
Not even N95s. If people just did the bare minimum and wore a surgical mask and washed their hands frequently the instant they felt like they might be sick, we would work wonders to reduce spread, morbidity, and lost wages/productivity. We just need the same simple politeness around respiratory illnesses that already exists in some Asian nations.