Does the change in scheduler help out in CPU-bound games?

Mine's not as insane as yours, but I'm content with it.

i7 8086k @ 5.1GHz
Reference 6700xt
Louqe Raw S1

Plays everything I need, and I'm dual-booting Garuda and 10.

Out of curiosity, why pick Cachy? Nothing against it, I've just not encountered it until this moment.

There was some of that, acting like PC gaming is and should only be for those of insane means.

But more, a lot of "AMD ruined this game with FSR.", "I tried linux but 87% of my steam library isn't playable.", the new harry potter game debacle, and an insane amount of gymnastics to say that 70$USD is fine for a new game just buy gamepass instead.


While great for new release information, somehow has some of the worst opinions and "as a back-seat game dev" responses I've ever encountered in my life.


joined 1 year ago