Yeah, if they are happy, then I'm happy for them.
Union strong.
Yeah, if they are happy, then I'm happy for them.
Union strong.
I love when Reno calls Stamets "Bobcat".
I love that, despite not recognizing this as a Simpsons reference until seeing the comments, I still read the last panel to the Meow Mix jingle, because you used the correct number of Meows.
Mr Fain added that the agreement included a 25% wage increase over the life of the contract, while lowest-paid temporary workers would see pay rises of more than 150% over the period.
The union also won the right to strike Ford over future plant closures, he said.
I don't know what their goals were, or what else this deal includes, but I honestly hope that's not "it".
25% raise over 4.5 years is about 5.6% annually. That's still less than inflation most years recently. Hope they also got other improvements to benefits or working conditions.
Okay, but that's still not a "deeper cut" than the single parent living paycheck to paycheck getting a fine that puts them on the street.
Until fines are proportional to wealth, laws only apply to the poor. The rich can pay for an indulgence.
Borg Sphere - best ship.
"Your honor, it's a well-known fact that my defendant is illiterate. He trusted these snakes to read the documents to him, and then he would sign. They clearly misrepresented the contents verbally."
Headlines: Trump Avoids Prison Time Based On "Illiterate Moron" Defense
A big enough fine can cut the rich even harder than it can the poor.
I guess, in theory, but I've never seen that happen. And even if you did take more from them, it's only a "deeper cut" in the sense that they fell further to get to broke.
A $10k fine might be more than a poor person's entire net worth, forcing them into homelessness or extreme poverty.
I've never seen a billionaire forced to pay over 100% of their net worth in fines. Hell, I don't think I've ever seen a fine over $1B, except by a corporation.
Billionaires only go broke when they mismanage their own money. Jail time isn't even as big a threat if they are young, as they could well have more money when they come out, where any other Joe Schmo would come out broke and with limited job prospects.
As an Idahoan, I'm just overjoyed that Larry Craig is still being referenced after all this time.
It's just nice to be in the conversation occasionally.
Not paying is contempt of court
Yeah, but so was violating the gag order.
If he isn't jailed on a third strike, I'm done following this.
I decided a while ago that if I was a captain, my warp phrase would be Captain Tenneal's "Let's Go!" from MXC.
Just posting this comment to call "dibs!"
Here's an idea: what if we bomb the hell out of every other industrialized nation again, so the US can enjoy another decade of easy economic dominance?
With Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine, we only need one more sizeable conflict to label it World War III, right?