The past couple of days I’m constantly being signed out. I have to login several times a day, practically every time I visit.
This seems to happen much more frequently on the mobile version of the site, and whatever Artemis is using to scrape data.
Magazine dedicated to discussions about the kbin itself. Provide feedback, ask questions, suggest improvements, and engage in conversations related to the platform organization, policies, features, and community dynamics. ---- * Roadmap 2023 * m/kbinDevlog * m/kbinDesign
The past couple of days I’m constantly being signed out. I have to login several times a day, practically every time I visit.
This seems to happen much more frequently on the mobile version of the site, and whatever Artemis is using to scrape data.
Same issue for me since yesterday. I don’t know what has changed, but it’s very frequent (tens a day I would say).
Yes. I`ve been seeing it as well in the last 2-3 days on Firefox on mobile. Being logged out 2-3 times a day.
In fact I just had to login to post this comment.
This seems to have been fixed in the last couple days? I used to have this problem but it seems to have been reduced or mitigated.
This happens to me on desktop as well. Today I can't even log in using my username, have to use email instead.
It’s been this way for a while for me. I had to re-login just to post this comment…
I’m also getting an “invalid CSRF” token occasionally when I login. And error pages when I try to upvote.
I’m using the web app on iOS.
Is anyone else still seeing federated posts even when you turn the federation status to off? I was trying to hide some of the excess meme posts that are coming from other servers. But turning off federation does not make all of them go away. Some federated posts are still being shown.
Turning off federation doesn't mean it will delete all the content on your/the instance.
Is this thread monitored? Asking because, from what I observed, that federated Hexbear(dot)net users and communities don't seem to be possible to block. Or should I use the contact form?
I've noticed this too. Is there any workaround? Some Hexbear users are egregious and clutter up posts with meaningless noise.
I can't post but I can comment. It keeps giving me the error page. Other people seem to still be able to post on Kbin - anyone have any insight into this problem?
Kbin seems to be breaking down lately. I haven't been able to read notifications for over a week.
Was wondering what happened to your flood of posts. Guess the error is not local to me.
I just confirmed it's not just images I can't upload.
Even text threads do that thing where "We're Working On The Error" comes up and a phantom thread no one but you can see shows up on your profile.
As you say though, other threads origination on are showing up so some posters are managing to get though?
It's become impossible to browse by new thanks to an army of spam bots.
Every time I sort by new, there are several new groups of 3-5 new users posting to "random" all at once (so 12-15 spam posts for every 5-10 legit posts), I haven't risked the click, but it's a lot of promises of nudes or gold, or celebrity names, you know, bait.
I'll block and report one post from each user as spam, but that seems pointless when there's a seemingly endless stream of them popping up.
My feed sorted by new now, 8 of the 10 first posts are these bots:
Is there anyway to stop this (beyond blocking m/random which I've now done but don't want to)?
Is anyone else unable to view notifications anymore? leads to an "Error 50x" message.
I can't see pinned posts at the moment. It seems like I can see them if I log out. I can't seem to find a setting that would cause this that I could have changed to cause it.
Two things: images do not open when I click the preview button. Thing two, we still really need a reply box at the top of threads not bottom. Posted from Galaxy s22 using Samsung Internet browser.
So, are notifications just a dead feature now?
Been seeing a lot of lazy spamming the past few days as I browse newest, all Kbin users. I report them, but they are numerous and it gets tedious. Maybe some tightening up of new registrations should be done? Has there been an uptick on new users lately like Lemmy had a while back?
Added: I figured out where the titles are coming from. They are lifted off search engine prompts like recent Google searches, which explains why some of them are so odd.
Notification issue I ran across today - a person can delete a message in a thread leaving "deleted by author" but the message still shows up in notifications (or part of it since notifications cuts them off at some point).
Not being able to post due to errors is annoying. I can't post anything!
Been having a problem recently (and intermittently) where when I upvote a comment it goes to a page that says Error and I have to go back to the previous thread, refresh it, and then the upvote works.
Is there a way to stop videos and audio from autoplaying? Browsing kbin on Firefox mobile and it keeps randomly playing some unknown audio.
Just a heads up - since the recent updates, on desktop, clicking on link preview in a comment will make the link and the little icon disappear but no preview loads:
Clicking the link itself opens it in a new tab as normal.
Just browsing new and came across the MAP ("minor and youth attracted people") magazine from, most of the active people there are using the same instance. I will be blocking the instance as best I know how, but I think defederating might be the safest bet.
We're experiencing so many federation issues, I think. There's much less content in the communities/magazines I subscribe to when I browse them from Kbin, and in some I only see very old posts :(
Idk if it's related to all new users but navigation is slow for me (France).
I ate all the food. I can see why you're angry, and I'm sorry.
My guess is that it's because a lot of new users are joining because of the Reddit blackout, but yeah, it is pretty slow (I'm in the US).
Slow for me as well (North America). It can take 10-15 seconds to load a page or perform an action like upvoting.
Not sure if anyone is getting this problem or whether it is a KBin issue or a browser issue.
I get an issue when browsing on mobile (Firefox) and loading magazine headers under all. If I scroll down and load a few additional magazine headers, click on a magazine title to view it and then hit back to return to the list of magazines, the list does not return me to the place I was at in the list.
Instead it truncates the list back to first loaded magazine headers and leaves me viewing the random details normally positioned at the bottom of the all list. To get it to load more magazine headers I have to scroll back to actual bottom of the listed of initially loaded magazine headers. It then starts reloading headers as normal but I then need to scroll and reload all subsequent magazine headers to get back to my position in the list.
Why are comment threads no longer indented further than 2 indentations? I can't tell when someone is replying to the parent comment or one of its replies anymore...
Tried to add my alt account on a different instance to the moderator list of the only magazine I own and got a nonsensical error message: Value isn't blank, but the error message says "This value should not be blank"
I will add the issue, thanks.
That worked, thanks.
I have an issue with creating threads on federated magazines, it does not appear on the remote server, but does here.
I visited a post with 130 comments in which I participated before. None of the comments show up and I don't know why. It's not the first time that this happens. Am I doing something wrong? I'm browsing from Firefox mobile.
Maybe it's a server issue with all the new traffic but is the way to not get logged out after such short periods of time/usage? Feels like any time I attempt to interact with something on kbin I have to relog in.
Also, as someone else provided feedback on, being able to hide threads in a comment feed would be super useful. If it exists now I haven't figured.out how to do it
Just my initial feedback.
There might be something wrong with Markdown tables, they worked fine a week or so ago but now it's just the "raw code". Any experiencing this issue or did the format change slightly?
Why are the default rate limits so low? As an admin how do I change them permanently? I have modified rate_limiters.yaml and ran the dump command. If the containers restart the file is reset to default settings.
I shouldn't be seeing blocked Magazines in my Random Links sidebar.