wefwef is now Voyager! Subscribe to !
I quite like Voyager continuing Apollo’s space program theme.
Another option in tribute to Apollo is “Delphi”.
Delphi is the site of the Temple of Apollo and was an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the major oracle who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient classical world. The ancient Greeks considered the centre of the world to be in Delphi.
As well as the links to Apollo, Delphi’s history is of a community sanctuary and a central source of wisdom.
The term Delphi is more unique than Voyager so it will be more searchable and should be easier to secure a domain name.
Here are a few interesting quotes from the Delphi Temple of Apollo wiki:
The Temple of Apollo, was a major part of the Panhellenic religious sanctuary located in Central Greece at Delphi. The temple and sanctuary at large were dedicated to one of the major Greek deities, Apollo.
Within the ancient Greek world, Delphi was considered the center of the universe, marked by the omphalos, or "navel", of the Earth that was located in Apollo's sacred temple. The Temple of Apollo at Delphi was perceived as an incredibly sacred site, considered a major center of ancient Greek religious practice and belief as well as a place intimately connected to the gods.
The exterior of the temple was also decorated with metopes, with five major depictions of gods and heroes being victorious over monsters, a mirroring of Apollo's defeat of Python during the mythological founding of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
The priestesses of Apollo, known as the Pythia, served as the oracle for the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Greeks and non-Greeks alike would go to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi from across the Mediterranean and beyond to consult the Pythia on a variety of different topics, ranging from the state level like the establishment of new colonies to the personal level like marriage, children, and health.
Voyager works, literally anything other than wefwef
I like Voyager! Much better than Wefwef.
I could also see LEM for Lunar Excursion Module, the technical name of the lunar lander during the Apollo missions (a nice nod to Apollo app). Also has the benefit of being similar to Lemmy.
Lemmy Excursion Module!
That has a very nice ring to it.
Please take this vote for Voyager. It's a nice nod to Apollo, and it is a real word that people are familiar with.
Voyager is great!
I also like the idea of “shuttle” because that’s the program that came after Apollo in NASA.
Changing now would not be a good idea. There’s a bunch of Apollo users looking for a new home (I’m in this group) and we’re all hearing about how great wefwef is.
Changing the name risks confusing people and missing new users.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Eventually, maybe. But not right now. Stability and consistency will be most beneficial right now.
What about Phoebus, the Roman name for Apollo?
Wefwef is just fine.
I mean Lemmy is named after Lemmywinks, the gerbil that went up Mr. Slave’s ass in South Park, so Wefwef is a great choice in comparison.
It's not named after lemmings?
wefwef is unique, easy to remember and easy to type. If you search for it, it’s already on page 1.
You hit all the markers for a good brand. That will be hard to recreate with an ancient god name.
Keep it.
wefwef is memorizable, but I'd like to know what it stands for
I’d like to know what it stands for
literally nothing. It's a name I came up with out of pure laziness: it's where my fingers rest on the keyboard and I can type it one-handed 😂
I personally am down for the name change. Voyager sounds much more iconic and is easier to pass on verbally than wef wef. It’s also better to make such a change as early as possible to avoid confusion for newcomers.
The verbal part is probably my biggest gripe about wefwef. I love it otherwise.
Plus Star Trek
wefwef is decent, it's already got some tractions and recognitions, the SEO is already there as well. The logo on the other hand can use some works.
Totally fair!
This one has been proposed:
The proposed one is a bit cartoony, not sure how it would look like on real device though. It's okay to experiment with different kinds of Logos, corporations do it all the time.
Nooo! Please keep the current one!
Lyre. Lyre for Lemmy. Apollo played a lyre and it’s a cool sounding word.
I think a bigger concern would be that Voyager already exists as a Crypto App with a significant amount of downloads.
In the spirit of Apollo, other possible names could be Artemis, Soyuz, Phoebus, Orion, Helios, etc. There’s no shortage of space programs/deities to pick from.
+1 for Voyager
Skylab (the NASA program that came after Apollo)
Wefwef is kinda silly but it has the SEO for it, nothing else on the net will not be the app right?
If I googled voyager I’m picturing some Star Trek results n other random shit (thinking of new people googling or searching the App Store)
Phoebus is cool, but might run into generic SEO and like Tildes……’howd ya say it IRL? Feeebus?? Foe-bus’
No, I like the name wefwef! It is a perfectly fine name, it's unique to your project, granting you immediate recogniza- and googlability, and honestly, I don't understand most people advocating for a change. God forbid we had an app or service name that was a bit fun and unique for once! No, let's change the project name just as it's getting popular, confusing everyone and hurting your Google rank, just to have another bland and boring name instead that's completely forgettable and shared by hundreds of other things! Are most of these commenters, like, 12, and still at an age where it's very very important that your friends perceive you as using only what's a child's idea of "cool" stuff? I honestly can't think of any other reason. Name it Awesome Monster App then!
So, no, in short keep it at wefwef! Lowercase and fun pronunciation and all! And for next year's April Fool's, announce a big name change, and then reveal that name to be "weewee", just to fuck with all the haters. Wefwef is the best app/service name in years!
Just my two cents.
Voyager is ok, but I do like Lunar. Lunar for Lemmy has such a good ring to it.
Wefwef is a great name! It's unique, short, doesn't seem to mean anything else (does it?) and names like "connect" are useless in app stores or searches.
I vote wefwef to stay!
Gonna comment in case the upvotes don’t count, I’m really a fan of Voyager. Not a big deal if it were to stay Wefwef, but Voyager has more appeal to my ear. Either way, great app regardless of name.
Voyager and Lyre are both nice suggestions, but I don’t like either even close to as much as I like wefwef. As an aside, the vote bottons being the opposite colors is hilarious.
I’m not sure if this has been asked but I’m very curious about the origin of the name ‘wefwef’.
I like wefwef it is unique, fitting and you already have brand requisition.
Voyager is fine but extremely generic and quite boring. You also have to fight for search results with a lot bigger and more famous players sharing the name.
I’m gonna vote for wefwef over voyager. It’s much more unique and googleable. Voyager is gonna turn up Star Trek and a bunch of other generic stuff. Go for something unique!!
I think wefwef is original and fun. Keep it!
+1 for Voyager
I love Voyager! I think it’s a great name for an Apollo inspired app.
yes please, I think a alot of devs making apps right now need to stop and think about the name for a bit. Most of them sound stupid. for example memmy just dounds like it would be a meme app, mlem sounds like a animal app, wefwef souns like a dog app.
If yes, maybe something to think about doing further down the track when there’s not a huge amount of migration. Every post directing new users to wefwef will become obsolete and so the app will be harder to find.
I personally love the name wefwef.
Wefwef is weirdly arresting. I know not what it means, but it has a ring to it that makes it unique.
Voyager is just meh. More of the same.
Voyager sounds good to me!
Seems like Voyager is a hit...
... but, I do offer another series of suggestions:
- Hubertos, the patron saint of hunters. In addition to linkages to a cure for rabies, he is the patron of hunters, which has fit with the lemmings and critters that we share online.
- Muroidea is the name for the superfamily of rodents, which you can read more about here.
- ~~Artemis is another series of manned space flights from NASA~~.
- Ulysses is another example. Add in it being a name of a mythological explorer, and it adds another layer.
- Mushak: Ganesh, from the Hindu pantheon, rides a mouse. This mouse's name is Mushak according to some sects. As a divine mount, there's some fun pieces of lore and how this app is how Lemmy users can ride into knowledge of the world around them.
- Ratatoskr is a Norse rodent, who carries messages on the world tree in that mythology. As this app shares messages and connects people, it's a fun way to share the core mission of Lemmy.
Those are some ideas! Hopefully some of this is helpful!
I don’t many Wefwef. I’ve heard much worse.
That said, if you are going to change it, do it now and move on.