Link is a teenager. Teenagers are typically smaller than adults but bigger than children.
This is Occam's razor at it's finest lol but I commend your initiative and resolve.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a videogame developed by Nintendo for the Switch and Wii U, published in 2017.
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Link is a teenager. Teenagers are typically smaller than adults but bigger than children.
This is Occam's razor at it's finest lol but I commend your initiative and resolve.
Well, there was certainly not much of a growth spurt in the years between BotW and TotK. I don't know if that interval has a defined time span, but you figure he's gonna be about 20 in the sequel. And he's still a wee lad.
According to a quick Google search link was 17 in breath of the wild which puts him anywhere from 22-25 in tears of the kingdom.
Which is a lot older than link has ever been shown to be in pretty much any Zelda game.
So even though he's in his 20's him being a series-long teenager is probably why they kept him looking younger.
Many men hit another growth spurt in their early 20s, sometimes it comes with a random extra inch or two of height.
This is common in a third person game... The NPCs are blown up huge so we can see them clearly and all design details and the player character is shrunken so it doesn't take up whole camera ... See sekiro for an extreme example
As a beautiful 1.71m dude, I feel represented.
But not as beautiful as our Twink. He's unmatched.
Are you a WarHammer mini?