✧ Kainé ✧
✧ This is an exclusive to the Chrysanthemum Discord Server!
Please refrain from sharing the mod to people who are not in this server.
I kindly ask you to send an invite for them to join instead!
✧ Kainé is a Nier Replicant hair port. (TY zixaphir for the rip!)
✧ Replaces Hair 115 for Female Miqo'te and Female Au'Ra.
✧ Earless Miqo'te is provided!
✧ Not Hat Compatible - But it Has Highlights!
Creator Page
IPFS aHR0cHM6Ly9pcGZzLmlvL2lwZnMvUW1jc0V1THVLZFpmYVY4Zm5QUW5GdDZKc1hmSkxjaXd1NXlUc0tiMUtCYjlHTQ==