Yep, I love setting up a map wall the same way. Mine are usually much smaller though! I wish locator maps would show player position while the map was still in an item frame.
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Yeah! I'm more of a homebody, preferring to build the base and some farms but I love having map rooms like this. They're just so beautiful!
They filled them by regular means alone? My usual 3x3 takes a lot of time already, I don't think I'd be brave enough to do 9 times as that without flying. Looks beautiful tho.
They did most of it on foot, having access to an indefinite supply of Ender Pearls back at base most of that time. They did a little with flight but even after we had the creeper farm built they continued on foot because it let them get a better sense of what was in each map and they'd previously found things that would've been overlooked on a flyover.
To clarify: the map itself is a 7x7, with the cherry border it's 9x9. Initially the plan was for a 9x9 map so I built a 9x9x9 room... then they decided to scale back so we added a "frame" rather than just use the whole wall.
Thanks for adding clarity :)
On an old world I had either a 15x15 or 20x20 wall, every map was also zoomed out as much as possible. Took forever to fill out
Yeah I'm working on a giant map room, something like 50x50. I'm never gonna finish that lmao
Is there a guide on how to do this? I'm not really across maps and would love to have something like this in my world.
Asked the friend who did this: You need a large supply of Redstone, Leather, and Iron to do this and will want a supply of Glow Ink Sacs to light it up. This is because you'll need a Compass for every map and an Item Frame to put it on the wall (and the Glow Ink will make it self-illuminating). Further when you set out to do the mapping ensure that you only have one blank map on your hotbar at a time to prevent waste of resources.
For my own part: If you have access to villagers and an easy/efficient means of getting Emeralds you can buy blank maps from a Cartographer, eliminating the need for Redstone and Iron. However you'll still need leather and optionally Glow Ink Sacs. Additionally when they were doing the exploring they did it on foot bringing a boat with them for when there was water but not a horse. Once we had an industrial supply of Ender Pearls they brought a stack with them on their expeditions which seemed to make them significantly faster as well.
If you need a guide on the how-tos of maps I've found this one that's pretty good:
Great advice thanks!
I don't really do map rooms in singleplayer since I tend to spread builds over a large area, larger than would be feasible to fit in a map room since I would have to fill in large areas I'm not using.
Plus the fact that it can be a pain if I build a lot of stuff since I'd have to update them to include new infrastructure.
I am thinking of making one though on the Server I play on though, since they can help people find stuff more easily.