Australian moment
Anime and Pics
A community dedicated to the discussion of anything surrounding:
- Anime
- Manga/Manhwa
- Light/Graphic Novels
- Visual novels
- And hentai.
While we may be called Anime and Pics, it doesn't have to be a Picture! Asking about your favorite anime, new episodes, new chapters, or latest games are encouraged!
We are a NSFW allowed community.
NSFW Rules:
- Anything safe for the public is considered SFW. (Swimsuits, croptops, cosplay etc.)
- Everything else; lingerie, panties, bras are NSFW and should be tagged as such.
- If you are unsure if it is SFW or not, err on the side of caution and mark it as NSFW.
- No politics/conspiracies
- Don’t repost anything from our top 100 of all time.
- There is zero tolerance for trolls, assholes, unsolicited bots, deliberately off-topic content, or novelty accounts. If you are any of these, and act as such, or encourage any of the above or any other violations, you will be banned.
- Doujinshi is allowed and encouraged! Show us your best (or worst) artwork!
- Moderators have the last say on all matters but will attempt to be fair
- This community follows the general Code of Conduct
- We have a bot called
which posts pictures daily. Their content may be ecchi.
This was a fun series.
This is actually from a movie called Patema Inverted (サカサマのパテマ). What series are you thinking of? I'm curious to take a look!
I remembered it being a miniseries, but it's been a hot minute! Either way, it was good.
Was curious and checked it out, apparently there's a 4 episode OVA.
Huh. It looks like the creators streamed a short prologue ONA (6 minutes each, x4?) called "Patema Inverted: Beginning of the Day" on niconico before the film came out. Is that the one you found? Seems like it's gone now though. :(
I just saw something about it on the Wikipedia page, I'm guessing that's it though.
This is from the movie Patema Inverted (サカサマのパテマ).
Chainsaw Man Reference