Looks like it finally got taken down.
I can't wait to see all the videos of people destroying any and all ye merch. I'm sure all the people who did those videos for Nike would be even more enraged by this, right?
How was this your breaking point?
Most Kanye fans won't care about this.
They don't care what he does at all and never will.
He's said he was a nazi multiple times already, was attracted to minors.
They don't care
They don't care about all the child abuse at Donda Academy either. Kanye should be in prison for that. They don't even want to hear about it if you bring it up.
I mean yeah if they're still fans at this point. I acknowledge his influence and (past) talent but I have been unable to listen to him for years now
Can't believe a man who has dedicated himself to climbing on every popular trend and riding it into the dirt would do this.
The voice in his head is screaming THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS BAD PUBLICITY over and over on a loop.
I think the voice in his head is screaming "HITLER WAS RIGHT" over and over on a loop as well.
For sheezy thats weezy. Im a bit confused though. What does Kanye have to do with good music???
Just like all other wannabes he craves attention, doesn't matter the source
If I see anyone wearing this is in the street, I will not hesitate to kick the shit out of them.
Nah, I'm pretty sure I'll see you hanging out with the rest of us at OP's place, hundreds of miles away, at that exact time.
I preffered it when he was slowly sliding off the mortal coil with the nitrous overdoses
Still, He's entertaining in a "watch a crashout lose his mind, so scary and stupid its funny" kind of way
Not related but I love the :D for your tab count.