Cute png kitty :3 Now that the background is transparent, you can put them in silly places!
astronaut kitty
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Cute png kitty :3 Now that the background is transparent, you can put them in silly places!
astronaut kitty
Oh my goodness, I love that! Thank you so much! You've made me happy during a really difficult time and I appreciate it SO much! 💖
I somehow hadn't even thought of putting in her other places! I've been fiddling around with re-learning HTML and CSS and making her a website coding it by hand from scratch bit by bit as I learn, and so far all I've done with that image is embed the image over the sparkly website background lol 😅
I love that your brain even thought of putting her on the moon!! You're cool as hell :) Thank you again for the badly-needed smile. 💕
Editing to add: I just noticed that you even did the proper shadow and everything! A+ work! :D
Aww, I'm glad my silly image edit made you smile, and I hope the difficult times will be over soon <3 I really like the oldschool geocities vibes of your website. There's so much cool stuff you can do with fancy CSS and JS, but simple websites like yours always remind me of the early days of the internet and how adventurous is was back then.