Every year I try to pick up a skill or a hobby, so I'm just gonna list a few I've kept over the years and you pick two:
keyboard and playing shitty moody electronic music. Just learning any instrument is frustrating and fun.
photography and videography including drone photography and videography. Learning video editing and making silly videos.
amateur radio.
fishing, walking around the woods, foraging and identifying mushrooms and not dying painfully and horribly after cooking and eating some every once in a while. See the discussion below before you eat any mushroom you find, it's actually serious and you can legitimately die or hurt yourself and it will be very painful.
some kind of fitness thing, weightlifting, hiking, cycling, indoor rock climbing.
keeping aquariums, some fun plants, a few cute shrimp and messing it all up and getting disgusting worms and nuking the whole thing.
riding a motorcycle and learning how to do maintenance and repairs on a motorcycle.
cooking, baking, pickling, dehydrating, curing.
fpv drones, flying them, crashing them, fixing them and building them. Soldering in general is pretty fun and sometimes handy.
vidya games, playing them, modding them, making them poorly.
water color painting and charcoal drawing.
Can answer questions if any of these sound interesting.