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It actually still amazes me every time I am like a goldfish. Just so fucking blatant this time like they just have a blinking billboard above their heads saying "we are genocidal freaks and we hate you please give us money please please please". An absolute show of the trauma bond they have with white liberals.
The fact that liberals can still feel they have a moral high ground is incredible to me. Just insane levels of contradiction.
Like legitimately, even Obama was probably more deadly and bloodthirsty than Trump across the globe. Dick Cheney, HRC, and it's not even a contest. I am afraid of Trump, but I'm fucking terrified of the Clintons, the Bushes and the Cheneys. Trump simply doesn't have the connections those ghouls have that has allowed them to destroy entire countries and kill millions of civilians.
This is why I've never given any thought to the harm reduction argument of voting for Dems. They HAVE caused more harm already.
EDIT: This stems from the frustration of talking to people irl, not online, about these contradictions. If you are going to say "we believe in facts" then let's look at the numbers. They plug their ears, they don't want to hear the real horrors or liberalism.
Lol I ran to the comments to post this
Greed and racism are the founding tenets of the USA. To reject these tenets is un-American. There are less Americans every day, hopefully...
It wasn't even an election issue, both candidates agreed on it
The part that annoys me is the Dem voters waggling their fingers at the people who didn't vote or the ones that shame marginalised groups for "letting Trump win".
As if the people who are friends with Dick Cheney winning would have made people's lives better.
people I love have abstracted and dismissed a genocide as an "election issue".
I've just taken to asking them what they'd have done with me during the COINTELPRO purges of the Civil Rights Movement lately. Playing into the "if you ever wondered what you'd have been doing during Jim Crow, the Holocaust, or the Civil Rights Movement, it's this you feckless spineless wannabe-white piece of shit"
My hate for Amerikans is pure and will burn blue when ignited
Yea getting really frustrated with the reddit posts that are like "ok liberals now that Trump got 74 million votes what's your excuse other than his voters are racist because it's not like there's that many racists in this country"
You're right, there's way way more than that.
Every reoublicna and most democrats are racist and the fact that everybody is racist doesn't mean it's fine.
People would try to talk to me about the election, and I would talk about how crazy it is that Kamala is comitting a genocide and campaigning with the Cheneys, Clintons and begging for GWB to endorse her. Seeing how it fried peoples brains when I started to list of statistics about how many countries they destroyed and civilians they killed and immediately default to yeah but Trump is worse. Then follow it up with why are you okay with killing so many Arabs?
But womens reproductive rights, okay how do Democrats plan on getting those? Biden could declare a national emergency and open clinics right now but he wouldn't because he's a conservative catholic.
Yea the abortion issue is a tough seel since if they were being honest it would be "elect us and we'll get back that thing that we lost through our inneffecriveness"
It's very telling that they aren't even campaigning on progress. Climate change and m4a weren't even mentioned during this campaign.
"Elect us and well undue all the setbacks that happened under our leadership in the last 4 years" isn't motivating anybody.