Reminder to sign Ross Scott's StopKillingGames EU Citizens Intitiative (which carries legal weight if it reaches 1 million) if you're an EU Citizen! Ubisoft killing The Crew is what kicked the whole thing off.
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Ubisoft give players server running access. Game live. Ubisoft no lose money. Win win.
Or just patch the game to fool it into thinking it's connected, and allowing offline play.
I'm sure my off-the-cuff suggestion is in no way difficult to implement! It's probably just a switch somewhere. Check under the stack of papers over there...
If players can make it work, developers can definitely make it work.
Someone tell that to Bethesda.
The difference is how much the players care. Also they aren't bogged down by any chain of command for development and can address issues however they see fit.
People continue playing the game and doesn't buy every future releases and dlcs. Massive imaginary losses and company doesn't grow as fast (boo very scary). Lot of assholes do this sort of shit like Nintendo going after emulation and old games.