can I have one then?
r/unixsocks on fediverse
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Unixporn + ThighHighs
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look around long enough and you'll find a spare key for my house :3
Nah you have a good amount of Thinkpads, but you seem to not have enough Blåhaj :3
i wish i had one :c
Buy one, they're soft and hug sized :3
that's why i want one :3
I second this, but i also now that some thinkpads are cheaper
Looks like the space station with so many ThinkPads!
No such thing as too many thinkpads!!
that's very true! probably gonna get a fourth (newer) one soon because all of these are 15+ years old
Which one do you recommend for an MX runner?
Need cheap off craigslist, long battery life, wifi tethering that works, not too huge.
well if 4 hours is good enough then I guess a T410 will probably be fine. if you're buying local than $30 seems about reasonable. it's 14" and a bit heavy but not egregiously so. I don't know about the T420, I don't own one.
Thank you.