this post was submitted on 18 Jul 2023
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The community for Gorillaz fans. Music, art, and discussions. It's all here!
Join the Gorillaz Fan Discord server!
Remember to follow our guidelines and have fun! :)
- Follow normal decency and etiquette.
Treat each other with respect and dignity, this counts for your titles and comments. *Racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic behaviour is strictly prohibited and will result in a temporary or permanent ban.
- Stay on topic
Posts must pertain to Gorillaz, its members, or related projects. Content that reminds you of Gorillaz, but is not, may be removed.
- No Porn/shipping
Posting porn or sexualised art of the members of Gorillaz is not allowed. Shipping of any kind is not allowed.
- Sales
All buying and selling is done at your own risk. We recommend using a service such as PayPal goods and services, or similar, which provide some protection for both parties, but even still, be vigilant. If something sounds too good to be true it probably is. *All online merchandise links must be to an officially licensed seller.
- Moderator Jurisdiction
Posts get removed in accordance with our rules and our own discretion. If a posts gets removed, it will stay removed. If it stays up, it stays up. * We value the opinions of our members, therefore we encourage you to approach us by sending us a direct message.
Additional links and resources
- Official Website
- Official Merch
- r/Gorillaz
- Offical Gorillaz YouTube
- Official Gorillaz Discord
- Official Instagram
- Official Gorillaz Facebook
- Official Gorillaz Twitter
- Official Gorillaz TicTok
founded 2 years ago
there doesn't seem to be anything here