I would say 100% of Hexbear posters believe Trump should be immediately summarily executed. In the mean time, though, he's a great comedic subject.
Protests, dual power, and even electoralism.
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no more half measures walter
I haven’t even seen the show, and I’ve maybe heard the audio one time, but I see your comments so often that “no more half measures Walter” in a deep gravelly voice is now a common thing in my internal monologue lmao
If this is not your opinion of Trump and every living (or dead) American president then Hexbear is not the instance for you, folks.
thanks for responding to this, it's more than I deserve lol
along with every US president and anyone that perpetuates imperialism
every american president is a war criminal and should be dug up and tried posthumously for their crimes against humanity
Every president needs a Cadaver Synod which results in the hand they swore on the Bible to be removed and their exhumed corpses thrown into the river Potomac.
I think everyone has cleared up that we don't actually like Trump. We hate all US presidents. But i wanted to explore a real split that happened when he got elected between people who are still libs, and people like me who were libs but reevaluated my received ideology, in large part due to his election.
Trump getting elected completely invalidates everything libs believe about this country. Myth of meritocracy, shattered. The belief that the "good republicans" will come back, the faith in the electoral system, etc.smashed.
When something like that happens, a real thing happens that invalidates your world view, your ideology, there's two ways it can go. One way is reevaluating those beliefs, and the other is doubling down on them.
To double down, you have to view the real thing that happened as an abberation. It can't be integrated into your worldview it has to be refuted. So what did libs do? Immediately after the election there was, "well maybe he won't take office, the electors could save us". They retreated into a belief in their electoral system. Next they moved onto the Russian conspiracy belief, because it would expunge the record of our electoral system. "If Russian interference happened, then theres nothing wrong with the electoral process!" And they needed nothing to be wrong with the electoral process, because its the only mechanism they have that allows them to believe this is a democracy. Of course, then theres a series of things, the Mueller report/Mueller worship, the hollow ceremony of impeachment.
If you reevalute the system, you integrate reality. You realize that Trump is not an aberation. Trump is the norm, just far more grotesque. Every president is a war criminal whose purpose is to further an imperialist, white supremacist world order. It doesn't matter if they are civil, or have "merit" (whatever that means), or if they're the first black president. They're the figurehead of global system of exploitation.
For me personally, i hadn't become a communist yet, and Trump winning was something that made it clear that the recieved ideology i was operating under was clearly wrong and had to be evaluated. At some point, and for whatever reason people who become communists, or anarchists, or whatever left tendency from the starting position of received American ideology have to reevaluate the world from usually a combination of catalysts.
I think a lot of this shows why theres so much acrimony between us and libs. We invalidate their world view. The thing that allows them to believe they live in a democracy, one that is more democratic than other nations, and freer (libs may except other western nations as free, or even superior, but they chauvanistically know they are better and freer than the global south or any AES).
And many of us are frustrated because we already know what they believe is wrong, because many of us believed it! And we learned it was wrong by integrating the realities we've witnessed into our understanding of the world.
That's probably why some libs think we like Trump, because we don't share the view that he's an aberration, or uniquely bad. He's just a republican. And they can't accept that
That's probably why some libs think we like Trump, because we don't share the view that he's an aberration, or uniquely bad. He's just a republican. And they can't accept that
I think the most revealing thing to ask a lib is who was worse, or . The sheer body count difference, there's no way a kind, non-fascist person could ever think it's even close.
It's absolutelty the best test.
Trump winning the election almost immediately rehabilitated Bush for libs. Which is all about optics and civility bullshit.
Why they think the deaths of something like 2 million Iraqis is more civil than a grotesque TV show host being gross - now that's what's interesting!
The deaths and displacement of millions ot Iraqis and Afghans are not an affront to their ideology. That does little or nothing to their fundamental beliefs and assumptions about America. But a grotesque, an "unqualified" reality TV star, a con man becoming President, and then having the audacity to be "unpresidential" - to disrespect the office - that to libs is real shit. That shakes their belief system to the core. That's the only calculus that makes Bush better than Trump
Imagine the funniest guy you know who should be publicly executed.
Definitely not. He's an odious fascist, or he would be a fascist if he had any sort of ideological commitment to anything other than drawing attention to himself. The fact that he was elected at all is a monumental condemnation of the USA. He just has the soul of a problematic Florida drag queen in there, which makes him a tremendous poster.
The thing about leftist opposition to Trump that seems to confuse liberals is not that we think Trump is awful (everyone here does), but that we think there isn't as much daylight between him and people that liberals actually like (say, Obama) on the awful<->not awful continuum that liberals want us to believe. The crass, blatant incivility isn't what we have an issue with (and the fact that it's what seems to bother liberals the most is something we frequently poke fun at), it's the widespread murder and immiseration of innocent people. Consequences, not intentions; substance, not tone.
Dems are closer to Trump than we are to Dems.
Because of this, whatever distance they consider themselves to be from Trump, we're twice that, and then some. Both of them are Liberals.
Trump is a grotesque monster, but he’s hated by libs not for vile actions, but because he was rude. We don’t value civility here, so we can laugh at him when he’s funny, but he and every living American president deserves to be tried in The Hague
This will echo what others have said: I think Trump was a horrible president, and him being of the capitalist class means I oppose him in a political economy sense. However, the stuff that he did that was bad was bog standard Republican shit: any other Republican would have also cut taxes, deregulated industry, and installed far right whack job judges. And I also think Democrats have done horrible shit; better/worse comparisons are mostly useless as they brush over specifics.
However, I do think he’s fascinating, both in that he may be the perfect reflection of the American political body, and because he highlights fundamental contradictions in nominal American liberal and conservative politics that causes both his detractors and supporters to be extremely neurotic about him. He represents what liberals profess to be the ideal (coastal, urban, private school educated, Ivy League grad, made his money in NYC real estate; shit, any big money Dem donor clicks at least three of those boxes), and what conservatives profess to hate (urban, non-religious, elitist, arrogance), yet the former hate him and the latter love him.
For liberals, it’s that he exposes the lie that elite education credentials stewed in urban culture must always produce socially progressive and competent technocrats, which is why they steadfastly insist he’s some Manchurian Candidate Russian plant because they need to see him as an abnormality and not reflective of the gross underbelly of the meritocracy. For conservatives, he exposes that for all their rhetoric they really love the idea of elites and hierarchy and being lessers to the titans of industry and the state. They just don’t want those titans to be brown, Jewish, or female. So they need to built a weird, cultish mythology around him as an ubermensch, anti-elite elite as to keep up the illusion of them being against hierarchy. All this neurosis is both highly illuminating, and really fucking funny.
he's a naturally funny guy with some all-time bangers under his belt and I think it would be hilarious to see him executed
Hexbear is just envious of his posting power, game recognizes game.
What? Lol.
They confuse our hatred of electoralism for support of Trump because they can't imagine anything outside electoralism.
Folks, the bourgeois, they're no good everyone is saying it. All these workers, very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they're right. These bourgeois are very nasty people very very rude and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me everyday and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say, Look the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction believe me you gotta trust me on this one. The means of production, obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I'm seizing them. Landlords? They're done for folks. Everyone told me they said, Comrade Trump you won't be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess whose laughing now?
Looking forwards to the day he dies gargling on his own lung fluids.
Also looking forwards to the day every other war-criminal-president of america gargles on their own lung fluids, which is all of them.
The ones that are already dead should be exhumed and tossed into the ocean.
EDIT: May as well throw Chomsky on the crimes of every US president here too since it's relevant.
If celebrating their deaths is too much for you then you'd hate to know that about 35% of the UK throws literal street parties every year celebrating Thatcher's slow painful death. Problem with that? Too bad. Too bad.
You liberal civility wankers have no idea what a real left looks like, and all of you would be tory shits if you lived here.
because everyone's added the very clear answer that I agree with, I'll add the bit that'll really get the reddit refugees going:
Trump is a liberal. You are closer to Trump in beliefs and actions than we are.
Good image for Reddit refugees to consider:
entry level agitprop
Many of us are not Americans to begin with and we consider every American president as a villain by default.
I think he is funny, and he should be dragged out into the street and shot ~~in minecraft~~
To use a meme I've seen centrists use time and time again.
My rights are being eroded every day and either they brazenly cheer it on or they silently let it happen. There's plenty said about how bullshit "lesser evilism" really is. War and immiseration continue, the paint job just changes a bit.
The reason people here are making fun of Trump is because he is the perfect representation of America.
Not one who likes to pretend who or what he is for, Trump embodies the true America in its brutal honesty, stripped of all its veneer.
This is why liberals hate him so much, because they can no longer hide behind the facade of the America they have constructed themselves. Trump forces them to confront the brutal reality that is America every single day when he was President.
No and if someone actually supports Trump they would be rightfully bullied off the platform.
We loathe Trump. The jokes/humor we derive from the man come from watching a clownish buffoon shitting across the theater of american politics, and he simply cannot stop shitting.
You should be questioning the liberals in power that know he's a fascist that tried to overthrow the government but have not killed him. Not hexbear.
We think Biden and Trump are very similar in terms of ideology, who funds them, and whose interests they actually represent in terms of laws passed and when you ignore rhetoric.
The fact we think Biden is equally a piece of shit and respect Trump for “honestly” being a corrupt a piece of shit makes it look like we support Trump.
Trump is funnier than Biden and more authentic. Authentic doesn’t mean honest, it means he doesn’t pretend he is other than he is.
Additionally Trump acknowledges that the neoliberal establishment doesn’t represent the interests of the people, and he’s completely right about that. So we join Trump in pointing out that obvious fact but that’s like joining Trump in saying the sky is blue when the Dems are saying it’s a shade of magenta.
Trump is a patriarchal fascist who defends the interests of capital just as much as Biden and so we don’t support him. He’s a piece of shit. He also rejects the pretense of civility which means things might become more overtly violent under his leadership against trans gay and racial minorities which is hellah bad but only in fact a minor difference of degree when you look at the treatment of gay trans and racial minorities under any Dem. Seriously, show me the empirical statistics if you feel shocked or offended by that. So shove it with that shield.
And if you’re Syrian or Iraqi or Yemeni or Afghani etc etc etc etc etc then an isolationist protectionist like Trump is a hell of a lot better than a Biden.
They’re both bad. They’re just as bad as each other, in different ways.
Honestly I don’t want my comrades in the USA to suffer under Trump, that would break my heart, but also I want to see Trump tear this rotten mess apart.
I’m playing both sides because both sides are fucking awful.
some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don't know what's serious and what's irony
As opposed to what, acting hysterical anytime he's mentioned and feigning enough outrage to some moral degree? Calling him a wet boy and laughing at him takes actual agency away from some of the ghoulish shit he does. When you act like he's Voldemort (is that the bad from Harry Potter) and not being able to name him is shit he revels in. Literally everything libs have done to try and combat Trump has fallen on it's face and only made him more emboldened. Not to mention it's simply unfunny and often punches down in the process, like showing him sucking Putin's dick. Nice one, way to throw gay men under the bus too.
there's no way this is a good faith question, but here goes anyway. maybe I'm unqualified to answer this as I'm a quadferret working on my pentacoyote and it'll be years before I'm an honest to god hexbear, but I think that at the root of the Trump banter is a frustration at people's failure to recognize that the American system is gonna keep shitting out new Trumps until we either change the fundamental assumptions american society is built on or the latest Trump actually succeeds in ending democracy.
He’s an accurate reflection of the sick pageantry that american politics has been. It’s funny. The same way a horrendous car accident we’ve been telling you was potentially possible is. We’re powerless to stop anything, no one listened when we warned everyone. All we can do is just laugh.
Why do you think became such a thing?
is the fly in the soup of
he kinda accidentally and effortlessly pulls back the curtain on the shit show - the 'concentration camps' on the border become 'processing centers' as soon as is in office - even though nothing materially changes
and the :LIB:s just focus on the new shiny BS that comes along in his wake, the media loves to cover him as it accelerates the diminishing attention span to any material reality
Look at what Trump did today! Get very angry about dumb orange man! Don't pay attention to how the entire hierarchy of US society created him and leverages him to maintain the status quo. Biden needs your :vote: to fix things. Don't recall that Ds had every chance to codify Roe but didn't (because that would end the 'will they/won't they' saga of abortion rights that is so lucrative for Ds).
Throughly about this since around 2016. And they keep saying 'bernie bros did this' louder and louder.
lol the guy is an Epstein-associated, fascist dogwhistling sex offender, it goes without saying we should flush his ashes down a toilet. Feels weird to even spell it out.
But look. Trump supporters are a large group, like 150 million people presumably. Some of them are frothing bigots, some of them are Go Red Ream politics-as-a-sport people, but some of them, I can guarantee you, just want someone, anyone, who MIGHT do something tangible for them, and after spending their lives watching polite, civilized politicians do nothing while people's livelihoods crumble around them, they're willing to take a chance on someone like Trump. And then libs are fucking baffled by this, baffled that some crass pseudo-populist jackass who bills himself as an outsider might pull more support than their bloodless, sneering, polished ghouls.
Some of them are people like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B1g7mjT1PA
He's got things a little scrambled, but on some level he knows he's getting fucking screwed.
People just like making fun of the way he exposes the hollowness of liberal institutions.
But in reality I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
Do I, a communist, support a billionaire? Shockingly the answer is no, at least unless resting his neck on the block of a guillotine counts as support