Retroid Pocket 2S now live. What's your preferred handheld for retro gaming?
Vintage gaming community.
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Just recently picked up an RG353V. Works great though I have come to realize that the GameBoy form factor doesn't do well for dual analog sticks and trigger buttons. Playing Doom on it runs amazing but the way you hold it feels off. Same process as the landscape devices, pressed between your palms, but it feels less stable.
Other than that I've been basically playing it every night.
I printed this grip for mine and it feels so much better. I also replaced the triggers with the ones from Better Buttons.
Great now i need to buy a 3D printer
Lmao. I won’t try to convince you otherwise. They’re pretty cool. If you don’t want to spend the money (and depending how much money you spend there’s an inverse correlation to how much tinkering you’ll have to do. Cheaper = way more work), you can have people on Etsy print them for you. There’s also entire sites dedicated to printing things for people for pretty cheap.
That was probably only $0.20 in plastic, buuuutr… I did put like $1000 into my printer, plus dozens of hours learning how to use it properly.
Oh i was mostly joking. I've been on the fence about buying one as i could make housings for electronics and radio projects i design and build. Maybe end of the year.