Firefox user loses 7,470 opened tabs saved over two years after they can’t restore browsing session
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Firefox Focus on Android is there and it doesn't have a button to add a new tab. You can only create one by clicking a link from those already existing. Also, just four shortcuts for some reason and no bookmarks.
It's a great default browser to open random links from your apps: no cookies, no logins, always a private tab experience. But when you need a bit more (like translating a word in an article you are reading) it's restricted. Because Moz decided that's the way it should be.
Yeah I meant desktop browsers.
Doesn't matter if we talk about said concept in reality and how arbitrary limitations are weird. Although mobile internet usage is a little less incompatible with that idea.
It matters. When I say browser I mean an application where user can design their own workspace and have it saved for further adjustments. Mobile browser concept for opening URLs from other apps is very far from that.