this post was submitted on 27 Apr 2024
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And what makes you think that can't be done? You make it sound like because (you believe) it's so hard to do you should have just not even bother trying, that seems really defeatist.
And like I said multiple times now, it's a simple quick copy and paste, a 'low-hanging fruit' way of licensing/protecting a comment. If it works, great it works.
I have no control over the Lemmy servers, I only have control over my own comments that I post.
Also, the two options are not mutually exclusive.
Again, both you and I know the history of the robots.txt file and how often and how well it's honored, especially these days with the new frontier of AI modeling.
It would be best to do both, just to make sure you have coverage, so that if the robots.txt is not honored, at least the comment itself is still licensed.
~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~