Wondering if this is possible. A quick look through the automations and scenes didn’t pop anything out for me, but it would be nice to know when to open and close my windows throughout the summer based on actual local temp now that I’ve got a couple of the Aqara sensors outside.

The idea is that when the temp on both of the outdoor sensors goes below the temp on the inside sensor, in the afternoon/evening, I’d get an alert to open my windows.

And in the morning I’d like an alert to close my windows when the outside temp and inside temp are the same.

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[-] limelight79@lemm.ee 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Styxia@kbin.social suggested statistics to smooth the numbers out. I can't reply to his comment for some reason, so I'm trying to reply here: Another option to avoid that issue would be to have the automation check that a > b for 2 minutes, or something like that.

this post was submitted on 14 Jul 2023
12 points (92.9% liked)


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