submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Vub@lemmy.world to c/dataisbeautiful@lemmy.world

Based on https://privacytests.org

Desktop browsers in their current stable versions, sorted from better (left) to worse (right). These are:

Librewolf, Mullvad, Brave, Tor, Safari, Chromium/Ungoogled, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi, Chrome.

Note: Each test is counted with a value of one in this chart, however each test may not have an equal importance in regard to privacy. It still gives an image of which browsers value privacy and which do not.

The maximum (worst possible) score is 143.

Edit: Also FUCK BRAVE. But for other reasons than these points. Read the description before you vote or comment ffs...

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[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 17 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The tables in the source shows why.

There are many things measured in those tables around preventing URL tracking, cookies, and storing data in session storage etc which none of the mainstream browsers are doing, including Firefox.

Some of them are decisions made for good reason, because although preventing them would improve privacy it would also massively impact usability, and so only the most all-in privacy-focused browsers are doing that.

OP themselves notes that they have weighted each 'check' as a 1 and each 'cross' as a 0 in calculating the size of the bars in the chart, without consideration of how relatively important or not those features are against other.

Personally I believe the approach to generating the chart is flawed and does not give a fair measure of browser privacy.

Yes, this seems like a really flawed method, and the only reason I could see someone using it would be if they were trying to make one browser appear better or worse than it really is.

The truth is this chart is misleading and not very helpful.

this post was submitted on 21 Jan 2024
-45 points (20.0% liked)

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