Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
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I had a friend who really got into satisfactory. And since we were all a factorio group, it seems like our kind of crazy. We are excited for it. When it came out as an epic exclusive, that one friend went for it. And tried to get us all to join him. We're like okay we'll join you soon as it comes out on steam. Some converted some didn't.
But over time I've had my personal friends tell me, yeah I see why you didn't make that choice, earlier I thought you were just being stubborn but now I totally understand it.
Totally understand what exactly?
They now understand the logic behind not supporting exclusive titles to walled gardens.
That the game wasn't worth playing. Lol?
That the game was still in early access, had bugs, and didn't have many features or ways to progress.
After a year of development, tho, it's a different kind of story.