Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
Rule #1: Be civil
Rule #2: No spam, memes, off-topic, or low-effort posts/comments
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Rule #6: No facilitating piracy
Rule #7: No duplicates
As a patient gamer, who hates enticements to get stuck in yet-another-walled garden, I refuse to go with Epic. The benevolent kingdom of steam never forces exclusivity deals, and just out of self interest i wont reward behavior that removes options from me.
I guess this means I'll have to wait at least 6 months for some games to show up on steam
I'm ok with other ecosystems, if they treat people right, like GoG, I'm cool with GoG.
Waiting 6 months means you will find out if the game was any good anyways
Found lot of the big titles that go to epic have been terribly unoptimized too at launch requiring fixes anyways, and I don't want to pay more to be a beta tester. I don't want to pay more for early access for a game that will be a better experience for customers who buy it much later.
It raises a fun ethical question: Is piracy moral if you fully intend on buying the game at full price when it hits Steam in six months?
Spare me the “piracy is always moral” arguments; Even as a fellow pirate, the mental gymnastics to justify it get old quickly. Just admit that you won’t/can’t pay for something. So the question is whether or not the morality comes into play when you DO intend on buying the game as soon as it’s available on your preferred platform.
Patient gamer does mean actually be patient. If someone is playing a pirated game I would say that doesn't count as patience with them not depriving themselves of anything.
I mean it when I say im a patient gamer... ill wait and no play it
Some games are already like this. Borderlands stuff has been an Epic exclusive for a year ish in the past. I played on other platforms to avoid it. I don’t know if that’s still the case or if Borderlands 3 was the exception.
So if a game is stuck in Steam's walled garden it's ok, but if it's stuck in Epic's walled garden then it's wrong?