Please upvote the post so others can see it and give their thoughts o7
If you think this post is dorky, theres a comment you can upbear to tell me how dorky and bad you think my post is, but still upvote the post for visibility
I think our posting is too powerful, simply by posting as we always would, or even at a lower intensity, we overwhelm people with replies to the point that can feel like a coordinated dogpile.
I think we should be conscious not to reply *if another hexbear has already said basically what you were going to"
I don't wanna see a lib take, and then scroll down to see the same 3 lines 10 times that I knew would be there before I looked like we're redditors
Now, if theres a Nazi I expect to see a thousand "fuck off and die nazi scum", but if its a liberal giving a lukewarm liberal take, we should consciously not pile on. And if you just have to add something, take a second to make it digestible for other instances, if you're not posting on Hexbear.
This isn't a tone policing thing, I'm not wagging my finger at you for being rude, I just think its simply unwise to proceed as we have been, tactically. We will alienate people we don't need to, for example any left-leaning liberal who happens to be neurodivergent and say something libbish, we're just absolutely annihilating them.
I also think its important to tone down the PPB, for everyone not in hexbear, seeing a PPB should be like seeing , announcing the fall of a nazi or fucko. People should see it and smile and say "ahh, they got another one" not "oh these fuckin people"
TLDR: If its been said don't say it again, if you're gonna say it, make sure its understandable and proportionate.
Be more concious, yeah probably. Actually moderate or have informal rules, no. PPB sparingly, absolutely.
My reasoning for push back on this (off the cuff, I welcome other ideas) is this:
We post. We don't use downvotes (and basically by proxy upvotes even though they still exist here) because they're too easily manipulated, especially by people not willing to stick their neck out and identify themselves. If we believe that people should voice their opinions and stand by them or be corrected, I don't see how we square not doing that with the people who need to hear it most - here or in other instances.
None of us reliably give the best reply and different comrades have different strategies, backgrounds, views, approaches etc. I realise this is kind of covered by "if it's been said, don't say it again" but people are gonna disagree about exactly what's been said, moreso what hasn't and also things like emphasis. I agree that people should probably look at their own about-to-posts and think 'does this add anything?'.
We're a largely excluded, ignored, and villified community - not as Hexbear, but as people. Doubly so for comrades who don't have the luxury of being able to blend in with the dominant racial/sexual/gender norms of where they live or the predominantly English-speaking internet. The fact that so many of us (a tiny fraction of a fraction in the scheme of things) have gathered together and refuse to be ignored or talked down to on this little corner of the internet is a beautiful thing. So I think whatever numbers we have should be displayed proudly, not curtailed or hidden.
People don't read the entire threads. Espeicially not when they're hundreds of comments. People should. I try to out of habit most of the time, but also if someone come into a thread and left dozens of replies all over it then they realistically should expect that multiplied in return. Most of the users from outside Hexbear I've seen get dozens or hundreds of response have done so because they post incessantly throughout a thread without ever (or before they withdraw to) responding earnestly to particular responses.
I think climbing over each other for the sake of a dunk isn't very productive. I think being the second, third, fourth person (or even the first if you're just trying to get it in before others) to post PPB is boring.
My favourite parts of this site, where I spend most of my time here, are not the ones focused on memes or shitposting for a reason. But I also think trying to artificially change the culture of what we have here to be more approachable to a tiny percentage, of a tiny platform, which is a tiny proportion of a type of social media, on a small part of the internet isn't worth it. Especially if we lose some of the imperfect but organic vibe we've created here over three years.
But honestly, maybe thats because, for all the genuine, lovely impacts this place has on its users lives, it's still mostly a place that's just less shit than other bits of the internet for me. I took out a bunch of opposition football fans tonight and bought two rounds of drinks, which resulted in almost £300 in donations to our local socialist clothes/foodbank, a shitload of positive social media, and maybe an offshoot starting another town. I don't say that to brag our sound holier than anyone, but for me I'll do more good buying beers never mind actually organising offline than I ever will here. It doesn't mean that what we do here doesn't matter, I just think we can overfixate - sometimes in the extreme.