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Moderator Guidelines
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- Most moderator actions which have a modlog message should include your username.
- When in doubt about whether or not a user is problematic, send them a DM.
- Don’t waste time debating/arguing with problematic users.
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- Ask another mod to take over cases you struggle with, if you get tired, or when things get personal.
- Ask the other mods for advice when things get complicated.
- Share everything you do in the mod matrix, both so several mods aren't unknowingly handling the same issues, but also so you can receive feedback on what you intend to do.
- Don't rush mod actions. If a case doesn't need to be handled right away, consider taking a short break before getting to it. This is to say, cool down and make room for feedback.
- Don’t perform too much moderation in the comments, except if you want a verdict to be public or to ask people to dial a convo down/stop. Single comment warnings are okay.
- Send users concise DMs about verdicts about them, such as bans etc, except in cases where it is clear we don’t want them at all, such as obvious transphobes. No need to notify someone they haven’t been banned of course.
- Explain to a user why their behavior is problematic and how it is distressing others rather than engage with whatever they are saying. Ask them to avoid this in the future and send them packing if they do not comply.
- First warn users, then temp ban them, then finally perma ban them when they break the rules or act inappropriately. Skip steps if necessary.
- Use neutral statements like “this statement can be considered transphobic” rather than “you are being transphobic”.
- No large decisions or actions without community input (polls or meta posts f.ex.).
- Large internal decisions (such as ousting a mod) might require a vote, needing more than 50% of the votes to pass. Also consider asking the community for feedback.
- Remember you are a voluntary moderator. You don’t get paid. Take a break when you need one. Perhaps ask another moderator to step in if necessary.
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Most people have moved to forks like starlight and goob. Wizden is plagued with mis management and poor design. They ignored critical security problems (allows people to bypass bans without making a new account, nothing bad for players, just admins) despite the pleas of admins, there is no clear design so you are supposed to just know what features would be considered bloat as a contributor and it also means you end up with entire reworks of departments being done by one person over several years. Wizden is poorly balanced, not because anything is overpowered but because everything is underpowered. The most recent example Is Liltenhead's videos on explosives. The results were... predictable. Maintainers rushed to fix the mechanic, despite nothing being broken. It will be over used for a week and then return to obscurity. This happens every time Liltenhead makes a video on overpowered but niche mechanics and it means that every round ends up being the same because the niche mechanics are removed. The biggest problem people have is that the owners are power tripping. It's too much to explain but it has gotten very bad. This all led to most of the head admins retiring from wizden.
So uh. Where should I be playing if I don't want to go back to 13, and also never got into the marine stuff?
Starlight for MRP and Goob station for LRP. They can both be found on the regular launcher. If you want something closer to wizden then you can join Liltenhead's discord server (if you use it) and try to get whitelisted on his server (harmony). It's on the higher end of MRP so you may not like it.
To Starlight it is! I generally try and stay away from youtuber specific game...things? It looks like I can be a cat, but not a cat chef until I've been a not chef for 20 minutes. I'll have to get on that later tonight! Thanks for your help!
Well. The first shift was... something, what with "Extinguishes-the-felinoid" running around made being a feline passenger mildly annoying.
Second shift as a service worker was nicer but I did have to learn how to make banana cream pies really quick suddenly.