Sid Meier's Civilization VII is Steam Deck Verified with the Linux version ahead of release on February 11
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Any word on Civ 6 getting the treatment?
I don't like paying full price for Civ, and prefer to wait until there's a GOTY edition to fix all of the annoyances that eventually get ironed out.
Civ6 runs fine on Linux
I mean even civ5 works very well. I think the question is about weather it will run well with the controller (that is to say without going into desktop mode and using mouse and keyboard).
I believe the only reason civ 6 isn't verified is because the keyboard doesn't automatically appear when needed, otherwise it works pretty seamlessly in my experience. Good controller support, touch pad is ideal for navigating the UI, and I setup a custom virtual menu with hot keys for common actions.
There's technically a native Linux version too, but lacks multithreading so Windows version with proton is still better.
Civ VI runs great on my Steam Deck.