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Howd you get death camps out of all of this?
hyperbole. They have tons of talk about deportations and camps. Texas offered some land for one or more. My hyperbole was to add the death but its funny how they have this anti immigrant thing and yet also want to increase immigration. When it comes down to it I'm making fun of how inconsistant and crazy their policies are.
It's a very weird thing to add. There's a hell of lot of difference between temporary holding camps and death camps.
Well not if you understand the definition of hyperbole. Hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis or effect. It's a way to make a point more dramatic or memorable, even if it's not literally true. After all the japenese camps during world war 2 were temporary holding camps. they don't have a good reputation.
Unless you're familiar with history and know that the concentration/death camps started as temporary relocation camps but none of Germany neighbors wanted a sudden influx of millions of immigrants - hence their final solution plan. You think our neighbors are just going to let US dump 20 million people in their doorstep?
I sometimes see the statement like yours but since asylum is a legal process and most of their stuff has been around it. I find this hard to believe.
Are most of them not claiming asylum or most of the claims being rejected? You sound like your talking out of both sides of your mouth. One is saying they are not claiming asylum and the other suggest they are but they don't have standing and are being disingenuous abut it to scam the system.
yeah I just never hear about the over stay visa thing. Most seems to revolve around the stunts like bussing folk to major cities. curiously a lot of times the local area just wants the federal government to give them authorization to work.
You didn't hear any arguments when Trump was blabbing about his wall 8 years ago? Most immigrants enter via airports.
I completely agree. This was actually the track obama mostly took.
They claim that while simultaneously attacking legal immigrants.
Legal immigration is the problem. My wife had to go to 2 major cities, while passing through others, to take required tests, 12-14 hour round trips. She was married to an American for 2-years, married to one now (me), which should be a rubber stamp on her 10-year visa. She has to constantly fight various government agencies. Years of expense and hassle just to continue her visa, not even for citizenship.
Send requested documentation. Wait 4-6 months. Be told she didn't include documentation that wasn't asked for in the first place. Rinse and repeat for years.
Wonder who slashed funding for immigration services? Perhaps we'll never know.
And if Republicans are truly anti illegal, tell me why they're not cracking down on illegal employers. The problem would instantly disappear. Going to need an answer to that.