Small business owners be like
Linus Tech Tips
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union busters never fail to be the worst pieces of shit
It has always been that he is a petty bourgeois shit especially after his take on unionization.
does ~~Anthony~~ (is that still her name?) still work there?
Really am out of the loop, never heard of these people. If true, I hope everyone associated with this shit goes down.
You guys need some worker protection laws, badly.
They should Unionize. Linus keeps talking about how he thinks he should run a company that doesn’t need a union; sounds like he hasn’t met that goal for a long long time.
Well, time to go write several long winded emails to all of LTTs current/former/prospective sponsors about how to avoid them like the plague.
What a terrible ordeal for anyone to go through.
Ultimately, it just comes down to the fact that they've never respected her, not just as a woman, but as a human being, to be useful when convenient and ignored when not.
I choose to believe her, because it's something that is all too common in this world, but I don't think the world has to be this way.
Jfc. Talk about a hostile work environment. I hope the staff stops joking about unionizing and actually does it.
This is some shit. I'm actually glad I didn't apply to do engineering work there now. I am realizing if this kind of stuff had happened to me I'd likely be fired because I would nip that shit in the bud immediately, if it happened to me or if I had seen it happening to someone else. It's not right.
This is crazy. I'm glad she's not working there anymore.