Getting used to this, but I guess Reddit crossed a line for me lately. (Don't touch my apps!) Main Community
Home of the instance.
I'm gonna shamelessly plug a community I moderate (brandnewsentence):
For users:
I'm promoting my apps in here 😅💀😄
Glad to be here! Hoping more communities are made and that our participation doesn’t have to come with commodification.
I'm a new recruit as of today. I like it here more already.
Thank you for your help! I feel so stupid, but I can't figure out how to go to an address that isn't just a normal link in this app (Connect). But I will keep trying and I'll figure it out! It's actually kind of fun and they say it's good for your brain.
I think we should just be ourselves. We will all sort ourselves into groups. No need to impress anyone.
I'm new here and I'll probably stick around. Reddit hit the skids.