Isn't Latin required in the British Curriculum?
Also Welsh is classified as a Vulnerable Language, so far from dead.
When people are way too smug about their wrong answer.
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Isn't Latin required in the British Curriculum?
Also Welsh is classified as a Vulnerable Language, so far from dead.
Man, what a knobhead. While I suspect that plenty of welsh voters voted to maintain the language, I bet that most of the votes are from non-brits who voted to maintain it just to piss this jackass off.
I'm no fan of the way Welsh language education is implemented either, but it's massively frustrating when an English-centric viewpoint is masquerading as a UK-wide voice starts trapping off about things they clearly know next to fuck all about. I'd vote the same way.
Probably a lot of non-Welsh Brits as well, I would have done the same. Welsh is a gorgeous language and more alive than it has been in my lifetime.
I wish the Italian govt would do the same to teach Sardinian in schools.
As a Canadian, I've never head of Sardinian. Is it similar to Italian? Like an older dialect?
I'd like it if this OP would learn the difference between seen and saw and their proper use myself.
I was gonna say the same but I realize it's no different from saying "Just saw...."
In both cases you're just removing a word: "[I] just saw" vs. "[I've] just seen". Makes it a bit more palatable haha.
Hey, Welsh people, a suggestion. Do this survey on the streets and invite whoever answers wrong to a free stay at the 20 Bars hotel. Problem solved.
If only the asked them to manually fill out a survey then all answers couldnbe disregarded as ineligible