Support of nazis isn’t the free speech you think it is.
A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
Be excellent to each other. Civility, No Racism, No Bigotry, No Slurs, No calls to violences, No namecalling, All that good stuff, follow's rules, follow the rules of your instance, etc.
We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and discussing things that might get ignored elsewhere. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.
Dissent is allowed in the comments, but try to be constructive; if you do not agree, then provide a reason which is backed up by references or a reasonable alternative interpretation of the provided facts. That means the left wing is welcome to state their opinions, but please keep it in good faith.
A polite request, not a rule, if you feel the need to report a comment, please don't reply to it.
I'm defending Nazi's or Nazi salutes.
Accidental honesty, lmao?
The fact that, upon learning literal Nazism is the reason behind this, you turn around and say, "Now hold on, let's get the facts, good people on both sides, let's find a new place, blah blah blah," kinda tells the whole story.
conservative communities are highly sensitive to anything that goes against the echo chamber
Maybe they shouldn’t have left literal nazi salutes on their front page
The admin is suddenly ban hammer happy too.
The only person who was banned is the one who posted the Nazi salute picture. is a bunch of new admins, so it’s not longer as friendly to differing opinions as it once was. has a single new admin (JuiceMachine). The rest of us have been here for over a year and the decision to de-mod this community is not a new idea. We are not removing the community at this time, we just feel it has not been effectively moderated to fit in with's rules. We want to observe how things go and take further action if needed.
I for one love the conservative communities on lemmy and don't block them.
That way, I can block the users that post the content and not have to see them anywhere else.