I think he is afraid someone is going to take a shot at him.
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Yeah, I figured the SS got a clue and moved it inside.
I can't help but think he's going to be upset because he won't be able to see the crowd.
He's still going to say it was the biggest inauguration crowd of all time, and that it was so big they couldn't even get everyone inside.
To be fair, we are all pussies compared to Teddy Roosevelt
It's so he can avoid not having the biggliest crowd size ever comparison.
What a pathetic cuntrag.
I feel like this is a smart decision. Both Trump and Congress are both old and unhealthy.
Everyone wants to be Teddy, but William Henry Harrisons are more common in history.
Well that's a whole different kind of WAP!
He looks so old and confused.
What a fucking twatburger.
What’s the context here? I know about TDR but not whatever recent bullshit w trump’s dumbass
They moved the inauguration inside because of the cold weather.
This feels like tan suiting. The high for the day is 24°. Typical weather is 45°. The record cool for the daily high is 18°. I don't find it shocking the event is being moved inside. https://www.weather.gov/lwx/events_Inauguration
Him moving his speech inside is either him addmitting that the first shot was staged or that global warming is real. Pick your poison. Either way, he's a useless idiot.
This is redneck republican level content.