Does it have the same skill-leveling mechanic as the first one, where (when holding a weapon) the player has about as much control of their body as a drunk standing on one stilt, and sometimes has to fight with actions failing to work at all, until they slog through hours of mind-numbing training sessions?
I wanted to like KC:D. There were parts of it that I found really appealing, but I found that mechanic bloody intolerable, so I ended up deleting it and never looking back.
Edit to elaborate:
I like games where the challenge comes from learning how to work with available tools and moves, developing my skill with them, and figuring out how to use them most effectively. Making progress that way is satisfying.
Interfering with my ability to control my character is the polar opposite of that. It has nothing to do with developing my skill, but instead just arbitrarily denies me agency. The first game does this heavily until various grind chores are endured for some period of time. No thanks. I think it's a poor substitute for refined or nuanced combat mechanics, and I don't find it fun.
Props to the folks who managed to have a good time with it, though. I liked other parts of the game.