Edge lately. Don’t sleep on edge.
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I'll second this. I really like it. Apple just added the privacy feature of FaceID locking incognito tabs that Edge has had for a long time.
Edge on desktop is wicked, but on iOS and ipadOS it just feels clunky. The way safari lets you navigate it like an iphone with swipes instead of button presses is unparalleled imo
Won’t disagree that there is some clunkiness on iPhone, but it’s such a better experience on desktop for me that I still favor it on iPhone because it allows me to access my spaces and other features and I just hope the mobile experience smooths out. I don’t like using safari, and opening what I was looking at on my phone quickly and easily on desktop is nice.
Safari to facilitate the interactions with my MacBook.
Chrome. Used to be Safari for continuity across my Macbook but then a bunch of extensions I used got killed and I never went back. Chrome has all my account info saved across all my devices so it's easiest to just use that.
Chrome, safaris ui sucks so much I cant stand it. I also feel like its considerably slower.
Chrome, just because I use it on the desktop and like how it syncs like safari does. I still keep safari on my mac and my iphone but most of my usage is chrome now, I would switch back to Safari or even Firefox, but the extensions I use are only in chrome for my day to day work.
Always end back on safari. Solid privacy defaults while still working perfectly for most websites.
Other browsers, like Orion, keeps stopping important websites from working
Mostly safari. But when i need to move a website from my iPhone to Windows i will open it on firefox.
I use Safari. Feels the fastest. 1blocker has been just as good as ublock for me and Userscripts is a great replacement for Tampermonkey.
I use Userscripts across iOS Safari and MacOS Safari via an iCloud folder accessible to each. Has made life much easier for me on mobile.
Same! It's a great way to make your own little cloud scripting service.
This seems like it should be a poll. Safari.
Chrome. I would love to use Firefox but it doesn’t have translate.
I’ll definitely be in the tiniest minority, but I use Edge on both my laptop and iPhone. Despite the general hate towards Microsoft I see online, their browser is really well made and so behaved better than Firefox or Chrome in the past ~3 years.
Same… blocks all YouTube ads
Duckduckgo with NextDNS and somehow it works well and fasts with my old iPhone.
Safari ...and FYI every browser on iOS uses Safari's WebKit.
Used to use firefox until it somehow became shit and was forced to change to safari. Super annoying. Used to be a great app.
I use Safari but if Firefox was like how it is on Android with addons then I'd be using that instead.
Safari for the privacy/ adblocking
Chrome all the way!