[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 18 points 10 months ago

John Oliver is clearly a spook for the British establishment. Either that or the US is holding his passport hostage unless he expresses neo-lib views on his show.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 19 points 1 year ago

A stupendous attempt to save face.

I am completely open to debate your claims factually. However, it looks like the facts don’t support your little narrative. So it’s probably a good idea for you to throw in the towel now.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 17 points 1 year ago

Truly amazing. You’re doubling down.

Tell me ‘fellow migrant’, what length of time must you have been living in the UK, on what terms of immigration, and what stipulations must be fulfilled before a claim can be made (that will be processed and NOT automatically declined) by the Department for Work and Pensions.

If someone was furloughed, then they weren’t on UC. Also, I had to travel back to my home country during the pandemic because my mother died from covid and I’m an only child. I had been claiming UC at the time and my benefits were stopped while I was there because I left the country for more than 30 days.

The more you carry on with this lie, the more evident it is that you have zero idea what you’re talking about.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 34 points 1 year ago

You absolutely do not.

I was an audiotypist for benefit fraud interviews for many years. My partner at the time worked in the BDC. I’m also a first generation immigrant. What I’m trying to say is that you absolutely are talking out your arse.

I can assure you that even if anyone immigrates to the UK, the road between stepping foot in the country and being able to claim benefits is long and complex.

Why would you even lie?

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 59 points 1 year ago

I got key-logged by an abusive parent when I was 14. If that doesn’t make you take digital privacy and security seriously, nothing else will.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 31 points 1 year ago

Sounds like someone’s previous policies led to a brain drain in their business and now he’s hoping other employers will blindly follow this rhetoric (and shoot themselves in the foot) so he can poach their employees for his company gain.

I’m fine with billionaires eating each other so we don’t have to.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 69 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Again: The Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund still have active investments in Russia.

Where is the outrage for them?

According to this Norwegian publication in an article published January 31st 2023:

the Norwegian oil fund still holds hundreds of millions worth of shares in petroleum companies like Gazprom, Novatek, Bashneft and Lukoil

Even if the value of their investments lower, they still haven’t pulled out any from Russia. The investments could be worth very little, but they still have something invested in Russia.

Norwegian Government on February 28, 2022, ordered the Oil Fund to freeze all investments in Russia and prepare a plan for divesting with the goal of totally exiting the Russian stock market

What’s stopping them?

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 47 points 1 year ago

Little do they know that the US and the UK are really just vassal states of Norway.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 17 points 1 year ago

Fruit of their labour? Tell that to the factory worker earning pennies while the company’s stocks soar. How about those clocking in 70-hour weeks but can barely pay rent while some execs vacation on yachts? Question that disparity. Communism’s not taking from the hard-working; it’s about evening out those stark imbalances.

Leaders and workers? We need both, equally. Just because someone’s not in the spotlight doesn’t mean they’re not driving the show. And to think there’s a limited supply of those who ‘make things work’? Ever consider that not everyone gets the chance to lead?

A starving man shouldn’t have to ask for food in the first place. Instead of judging, maybe ask why they’re hungry. We shouldn’t pat ourselves on the back just because, once in a while, we toss someone a bone. Government’s size isn’t the issue; it’s about its priorities.

And the family bit? Good families don’t keep scorecards. They uplift, share, and stand together. They don’t always wait for someone to ‘earn their keep’. Why? Because they care. That’s not immaturity; it’s unity.

Equating leaving communism to outgrowing family? Sounds like someone's confusing depth with adolescence.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 62 points 1 year ago

Many of the bravest and most impactful actions flow not from morals but instead grow from a place at our core where we finally acknowledge feeling dissatisfied.

Saying ‘No’ is a revolutionary act.


[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 112 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I was once a young kid living in an apartment that had the utilities shut off due to non payment. I didn’t understand why it was so cold or why I couldn’t get a drink of water.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for having integrity and compassion.

[-] snipvoid@lemm.ee 20 points 1 year ago

Finally some honking on Norway

submitted 1 year ago by snipvoid@lemm.ee to c/asklemmee@lemm.ee

Basically the title.

Tell me about everything you hope makes the jump from Reddit to Lemmy.

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