[-] ngprc@feddit.de 4 points 3 months ago

I am pretty alright with spatial reasoning but have a hard time with left and right. Especially in multitasking scenarios. When driving during complicated situations and in unknown environments for example. I always get my guide to point or have a look at the nav.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 4 points 4 months ago

Rotating the tires is really important! I really hope you do it every month as the manufacturer requires. Few people do.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 4 points 4 months ago

That would be awesome to look into for inspiration! Do you have a link for me?

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 13 points 11 months ago

Thought the same thing. Over time I replaced everything in my laptop that I could and specifically chose a laptop that is easyish to open and get parts for.

I would love for a better processor and graphics card but the mainboard and power supply does not allow for better hardware. So I will need to buy a different laptop some day. If it were as easy as ordering new parts and putting it in there without fear of incompatibility I would love that.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I just played through it on mobile. It works well! Costs like 10 bucks.

Edit: you will need a Bluetooth controller for your phone though. I would classify the on-screen controls are terrible.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

So this is a clusterfuck.

Servingspoons are used to serve up food.

Tablespoons are the largest spoons used for eating but according to this wikipedia article the term is now used by many english speaking regions the same way as serving spoon. 15 ml in volume typically

Dessertspoons are used primarily for desserts but also for soup and other stuff. 10ml in volume typically

Teaspoons are used to stir tea and coffee. 5 ml in volume typically.

I only know serving spoons, tablespoons and teaspoons. Desert spoons are in the middle and I have probably a similar sized spoon but never known there is a difference. To me it is a smallish tablespoon. But that is where the confusion is coming from. For some the scale just shifted up or down depending on the way you are looking at it.

Yeah this should be standardized. 🥲

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

That was a big point of controversy with my childhood school friends, actually.

I was firmly part of team table spoon. Some of my friends would use teaspoons. I always regarded that kind of strange behaviour as first sings of psychopathy.

No one I know uses dessertspoons for every day use. Maybe some own some but it is most likely the fancy table silver kind of thing that will only get used once or twice a year.

Personally I have never heard about them before today.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 10 points 1 year ago

Es gibt die gute Seite vom Rhein (die auf der man selber lebt) und die schlechte (die andere Rheinseite) da wird viel schindluder getrieben und viel auf diese arbiträre Grenze geschoben. Ich kenne keinen. Der das wirklich ernst nimmt aber ist als lustig gemeinte Abgrenzung gemeint. Ist so ein wenig wie Düsseldorf-Köln eigentlich ist da regional alles sehr ähnlich. Das platt ist ähnlich. Das Bier irgendwie auch (beides aus kleinen gläsern. Das eine schmale hohe das andere breitere kürzere und der Geschmack ist mMn auch irgendwo ähnlich. Die regionale traditionelle Küche) aber auf den Unterschieden wird hart rumgeritten und sich übereinander lustig gemacht.

"Du kommst ja auch von der anderen Rheinseite" kann man einfach immer für alles was man nicht versteht anbringen.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 2 points 1 year ago

There is a difference between teaspoons and dessertspoons? 🤔


I have only ever heard of tablespoons and teaspoons. We exclusively used teaspoons as dessertspoons.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

Denke bei vielen ist es eher das er öffentlich ausspricht und legitimiert was viele seit langem denken. Das macht mich echt betroffen und ich finde es partout nicht gut aber ich versteh es. Wenn die eigene xenophobe Meinung durch die Medien gespiegelt wird und sich mit Positionen einer verpönten Partei deckt würde ich mich bestärkt fühlen das zu wählen. Die Social Media Mobilisierung tut den Rest.

Ich bin immer wieder erschreckt, wie sehr sich die Generationen die immer gepredigt haben "glaub nix was im Internet steht du kannst da nix trauen" sich genau davon weitestgehend befreit hat wenn es um eigene Meinungen geht. Denke das hat auch viel mit übergenerationellem Verständnis und Akzeptanz zu tun. Ebenso mit dem Einfühlungsvermögen mit anderen....

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago

If it works it works. 💁🏼‍♂️ As someone who tends to overengineer lots of things being reminded that "good enough is good enough" is priceless.

Op just make sure the map is zoomed in as much as possible and necessary and this should work fine.

[-] ngprc@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Hold up. Bei Lidl gibt es keine Spinatpizzen? Die sind doch eigentlich so Standardsortiment neben Salami, Speciale und Margherita. 🥲

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