That would be a fair point if we were talking about like, small businesses in markets that are well-suited to competition, but that is not mpdern ISPs.

Iirc, much of the backbone of the US's fiber optic cable network is publicly owned anyway, it's just the "last mile" that's privately owned, which is the local lengths of fiber that run through neighborhoods to individual residences. But most of this infrastructure was also heavily subsidized by the state, so the way I see it, ISPs are essentially leaches that extract rent from a system paid for by the people and (directly or indirectly) built by the state. Why should we let them collect profit from a network they didn't build when we could own the entire network publicly and set monthly rates to break even, rather than generate a profit (which would keep prices very low, as seen in Every Other Country with mainly state/municipally owned ISPs).

[-] 31 points 2 months ago

I agree completely. I think the strong move for Harris will be to focus her campaign around abortion rights and promise to fight for federal laws guaranteeing the right to an abortion, even to the point of openly defying the Supreme Court if they reject the law. She also needs to focus on court reform, push for a strict code of conduct to be enforced against the supreme court, and either impeach/replace Alito and Thomas or (if there aren't enough votes for that) eliminate the fillibuster to pack the courts with only a simple Senate majority.

[-] 29 points 2 months ago

If you really hate flatpak just make an arch distrobox and download off the AUR. Or install Nix or something

[-] 33 points 4 months ago

This is because dedicated consumer AI hardware is a dumb idea. If it's powerful enough to run a model locally, you should be able to use it for other things (like, say, as a phone or PC) and if it's sending all its API requests to the cloud, then it has no business being anything but a smartphone app or website.

[-] 69 points 4 months ago

I doubt it. Cryogenic preservation is probably possible, but current methods likely do too much damage to the person's tissue to ever be salvageable, especially since most of them were dead for hours before being frozen. Their brains were unrecoverable before they even entered the pods. Ideally you'd want to be frozen more or less immediately. As in "the process begins while you're still alive and they euthanize you on the table inside the cryogenics facility" immediately.

Plus a lot of these companies experience regular refrigeration failures, which is probably what caused the corpses in the meme to liquify like that.

[-] 37 points 4 months ago

Do they not still test the blood for HIV regardless of how "high risk" the donor is? You should be tested immediately prior to donation and the donation rejected if you test positive, this is a fuck-up on whoever took the blood. Also, prisoners??? Why in the fuck are we paying prisoners for their blood? Every private prison company should be nationalized and have its leaders tried for their crimes istg.

[-] 51 points 7 months ago

Just looked up a screenshot out of morbid curiosity, none of it looks loli to me, but there is what seems to be a woman getting mounted by a Literal Horse, so that's something 💀

[-] 59 points 11 months ago

I mean, the US sucks, but they don't just support settler colonial states for its own sake. They support Israel because it's strategically useful to have a US friendly state in the middle east that's small enough that they will basically do what we say (unlike Saudi Arabia). Also a significant portion of Republicans in congress think that Israel/Palestine being controlled by Jews is a necessary precondition for the Rapture. The US is more indifferent to the genocide of the Palestinians than anything, which imo is just as bad, but it's important to look at the material causes for things instead of just saying "these two countries have similar ideologies so they'll be allies".

[-] 29 points 11 months ago

You can, Hamas is fucking terrible, you should just add the context that the only reason Hamas even exists is due to Israeli policy. Trapping millions of people in tiny, resource-poor ghettos as part of an ongoing ethnic cleansing, you've gotta expect some of them are going to get desperate enough to join a religious fundamentalist terror organization.

Also Netanyahu's government literally sent them money because a democratic, secular, progressive resistance to Israeli occupation would make it harder to justify their aggression towards the Palestinian population, and a strong Hamas makes that less likely.

Same way 9/11 is pretty objectively a consequence of US intervention in the middle east, but the people who did 9/11 are still terrorists who (imo) deserved to die, the reason it's good to mention that it was a consequence of US policy is so that we can avoid creating the circumstances that lead to terror attacks like that in the future, and to avoid causing massive amounts of suffering as a result of military interventions in foreign countries.

Hamas is one shitty side effect among many of genocidal Israeli government policy and imo serves to aid and abet that policy by giving the Israeli state an excuse to crack down harder on Palestinians.

Multi-level marketing is a kind of pyramid scheme, they're only legal because existing anti-pyramid scheme laws only prohibit "businesses" that don't actually sell any products, and make all of their money through recruitment.

MLMs get around this by recruiting people to "sell" products, but recruits must pay for them in advance (almost always at a massive markup) and the products are typically so overpriced and/or poorly made that many of them go unsold.

So, almost all of the profit of those at the top of the pyramid comes from their downstream recruits recruiting more people to "sell" the product, even though product sales are completely unrelated to the success of the scheme as a whole.

Slackware's package manager doesn't even do dependency resolution. I respect the fact that it's managed to keep existing this long and that so much of what it did inspired other distros, but I honestly have no idea why anyone would use it in 2023. Imo dependency resolution is the main reason to even have a package manager, without that I might as well install everything by cloning random git repos. If you want packages compiled from source, why not just use Gentoo (or Source Mage? Idk much about it, but I read through their website and it seems neat).

That being said, if anyone uses Slackware, I'd love to know why. It's survived this long, surely it must be doing something right.

I haven't had this happen using ublock origin, but if they do figure out how to block ublock origin, adnausiem (ublock origin fork) might work. It's a fork of ublock origin that tricks the ad providers into thinking you clicked on every ad, which not only bypasses a lot of adblock detectors, it Actively costs them money by polluting their ad data with garbage.

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