Very nice. Visually and technically brilliant.

[-] 43 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yeah, it's Federated with loads of cool places that are real, but you don't know them, they go to a different school.

[-] 17 points 6 days ago

Our silver cat is a huge fan of tummy tickles.

He specifically requests them, and he's certainly gone over ten minutes without any hint of wanting to stop, he just "supermans" his arms out one at a time, and sometimes drools a bit.

Cat tax picture:

[-] 3 points 6 days ago

Sorry, I might have misremembered the exact process (this was probably three or four years ago), though no need for the nasty aggressive attitude (though my apologies if I offended you somehow).

Maybe it was version upgrades (e.g 18.04 to 20.04) instead of updates, or clean installs/new installs/reinstalls? I expect it was some of one and some of another.

At the time I used to (casually) maintain a bunch of Ubuntu computers for a few community projects, small organisations and older people who live nearby. I don't remember the specifics, I just remember the phone calls of "the printer isn't working" "Linux has broken my USB pen" etc, and the fix being "remove the snap version and install the deb version". It caused a lot of problems.

[-] 15 points 6 days ago

If you were running a previous version of Ubuntu, where you had deb packages which worked, over the course of a few updates, they replaced half of your programs with snaps (without telling you), which were unable to see additional hard drives, USB pens, printers, scanners or cameras, couldn't use plug-ins, couldn't use 3rd party templates or presets, and didn't respect any system settings for fonts/text size, icon placement and so on.

Snaps were fine for "aisleriot solitaire" or "calculator" (assuming you didn't mind a 5 minute loading time) or other things which didn't need to interact with any file or system or device, but for actual programs for people trying to do work? Bag of shite.

Now, I imagine some years later they must have fixed some of this rubbish, and I read recently they might have finally done something about permissions, but no, they didn't ask anyone before they swapped working programs for completely broken snaps. They forced it on their existing users, and some of us bear grudges.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Ahead of a timely re-airing of Mick Jackson’s famously bleak, rarely seen docudrama, its director recalls why he unleashed a mushroom cloud on Sheffield in 1984, while our writer explores the film’s lasting legacy

[-] 55 points 5 months ago

Okay, so you're going to ban targeted marketing and online advertising, right?


Ah, so the plan is to introduce comprehensive support and counselling for stress and mental health issues in young people, meaning they won't have to turn to these things to cope with their depressing, stressful lives?


Ah, got you - you're going to improve the individual lives and prospects of all citizens, creating a utopian nation, so they can each look forward to a healthy prosperous future and genuinely have nothing to worry about?


[-] 64 points 5 months ago

Damn! He's here?!? RichardRealName is my nemesis!


"If Michael Gove really wants to root out the forces threatening British society, perhaps his party should look in the mirror"

[-] 79 points 6 months ago

You can use the box to collect cats in.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

There's a man on my train this morning, and he's listening to stuff out loud on his phone, like fully out loud, not even slightly subtle. The train is in Britain. He keeps listening to 5 seconds of an annoying song, then switching to another song. It sort of sounds like kids TV music. He appears dressed to go work in a fancy office or something, and this is a morning commuter train, so I don't think he's escaped from a prison or mental hospital.

Anyway, amongst myself and another couple of hundred quiet passengers, we've tried everything:

  • tutting and rolling our eyes
  • harrumphing, whingeing and sighing
  • when a bloke got on the train with headphones on, someone said loudly "Isn't it great when someone wears headphones? They can listen to whatever they like and nobody else has to hear it"
  • sometimes it stops for a minute, and there's a widespread muttering of "Ooh, thank god that's over with"
  • followed by an en-masse groan when it starts again "Oh no, not this again!"
  • a lady on the phone saying loudly "Sorry, I can't hear what you're saying, because someone is being inconsiderate and playing music really loudly"
  • saying to one another, loudly enough for the man to hear "isn't it annoying when someone plays their music out loud? I wish he'd stop doing that"
  • muttering aggressive words, under our breath, in his general direction "prick", "wanker" "knobhead", "bellend"
  • Someone getting onto the train, and not sitting at his table and saying "God, I'd rather stand than sit next to that prick", loud enough for him to hear.
  • the ticket-checking man rolled his eyes, but didn't do anything

I think generally we're running out of ideas. I heard someone behind me mentioning they were thinking about "sparking him out", and someone else had suggested they might grab his phone and throw it out the window.

I was toying with the idea of going nuclear on him, and directly but politely asking him to turn it down, but it's a bit early for that kind of extreme behaviour. Perhaps I should throw something at his head?

Anyway, anyone who's been in a similar situation have any suggestions?

[Update] The train got full, so people were standing all the way down the aisle. Three people sat on the table next to him.

Opposite him, an older woman stared at him and shook her head at him, in a gesture I interpreted as "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed". He put his phone in his pocket and stared out the window. I gave her the subtlest of nods, to communicate "thank you" and "good job".

So we're safe, this time - but I'm still interested in solutions, as something like this could happen again!

[-] 69 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Three little posers.


My son says it means taking out the player without getting the ball, all while shouting ‘Brexit means Brexit’. Sound familiar?

For the umpteenth time, my son, with an Ikea stuffed ball he has had since infancy, is playing football in the living room. He is joined by one of his best friends, an equally football-obsessed 10-year-old who, before slide-tackling in what can only be described as a deliberate attempt to knock my son’s legs off, shouts: “Brexit means Brexit!” Confused, I pass it off as an example of tweenage precocity: which 10-year-old is happy to quote Theresa May while playing football?

I must admit, this gives me some hope for the future.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

"Singer whose idiosyncratic performances helped the German band Can stretch the limits of experimental rock"

Saw him sing/speak/make noise at a 2 hour long improv set in a small gig venue in Yorkshire about 10-20 years ago, supported by a handful of local improv musicians.

After they finished the set, he individually thanked (and optionally hugged) every single audience member.

[-] 127 points 8 months ago

The taste is questionable, but whoever actually did the tiling has done a brilliant job.

[-] 68 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

T̶o̶m̶m̶y̶ ̶R̶o̶b̶i̶n̶s̶o̶n̶ Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

"Tommy Robinson" is his LARPing name, where he roleplays a common football hooligan who doesn't have numerous previous convictions for assault and various types of fraud.

[Edit] I had written "Steven" instead of "Stephen".


Cats Protection UK Website - National Black Cat Day

I include a complementary picture of a black cat in a carrier bag.


Three cats spread over the stairs, staring at the camera person, blocking access to the upstairs. (Actually they're just waiting for someone to throw the fuzzy ball for them to chase).


Photo is from about a year ago, when the cats learnt that as well as "on the bed" and "under the duvet", if you explored the area where the buttons were, there was also "inside the duvet cover".


Three cat brothers, sat neatly on a staircase, Jan 2023. This is probably my favourite photo of the three of them together.

[-] 65 points 1 year ago

I hate not being able to pause a game, particularly a single player game. I think Elite Dangerous solidified my hatred of this, by not telling you the game is still running when you're on the "pause" menu.

"B-B-BU-BUT it's a simulation and you can't pause real life so it makes it more real"

It's a game, even if it's a simulation game. It's a toy for grown-ups. A very nice and fun and relaxing toy, but a toy nonetheless. It's not more important than a phone call, call at the door, crying child, hungry cat, partner who needs a hand with something etc.

This probably extends to being able to save anywhere and rejoin later, but I think that one is covered pretty well by everyone else :)

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joined 1 year ago