[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago

I figured a good way to see how the average person is doing in the current economy would be to see what the ramen sales are like.


I’m a massive fan of Dystopian Fiction and have read several classics in the genre, but I recently heard about “It Can’t Happen Here” and it sounded exactly like a novel I’ve always wanted to read, but never knew it existed. After having read a bit of it so far, and am curious how this book is not more prominent in this country especially in todays political culture? It hosts a lot of political opinions that are eerily similar to a lot of opinions today so I would think it would’ve been more well known.

Everyone talks about Brave New World and Orwells works, but why am I now just hearing about Lewis’ novel?

Seems like it’s something that should be mandatory reading in every American high school.

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 19 points 11 months ago

Glad we’re focusing on the real issues….


I’m writing my second album currently and this is the first one I’ve decided to “release”, but I was curious as to what type of style would you call it?

I am very inspired by old school death metal, but have heard others call my stuff thrash. What would you call it?

Also, how’s the quality? Decent enough for an amateur recording?

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 17 points 11 months ago

Nah man. Hard disagree with you there.

There’s no way you can kidnap, behead, rape and kill innocents or attack a music festival and call yourself the good guy. If you do, then you’ve got a fucked up moral compass.

I don’t like the shit that Israel has done to the Palestinians either, but Hamas is a terrorist organization only using the Palestinians suffering as a weapon of influence for their abominable beliefs.

They don’t give a shit about Palestinians. They care about power and killing Jews.

The world isn’t as black and white as you make it out two be.

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 46 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Pro Israel, Pro Palestine, fuck Hamas.

The Palestinians do have legitimate grievances with the Israeli government that need to be addressed, and Israel has every right to protect itself.

Hamas uses this for their own sick agendas and to maintain power.

Someone pointed it out, but how many of the people Hamas murdered do you think have joined the many protests for the freedom of the Palestinian people?

A lot of Jews in Israel support the freedom of the Palestinians and they have demonstrated such.

Hamas doesn’t give a shit about the Palestinians.

And Israel is showing the same by bombing innocents.


I really love beautiful books and collecting them. I have a few of those classic hard bound books from Barnes & Noble and some of the imitation leathers from Discount Books, but I see the Folio Society and am shocked at the price.

But I hear the quality is great.

I’m considering purchasing Rendezvous with Rama. The art looks beautiful and the story sounds super intriguing, but it’s $100…

Are they worth the price?

Have you ever purchased one and thought it was a waste?

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 24 points 11 months ago

Wouldn’t be that way if a bunch of the country, especially a specific region, actually considered the consequences everyone would face instead of the minor inconveniences they would personally deal with.

But again, “me, myself, and I”.


So essentially I took a class last semester, passed it, but didn’t learn shit because I rarely attended the lectures (worked evenings, class was in AM, used the hour to catch up on sleep). I didn’t realize how important the class was to my major, and now I’m seriously struggling in my current classes.

Have you ever had to retake a prerequisite in order to better understand a subject?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by drewisawesome14@lemmy.world to c/guitars@lemmy.world

I’m not sure why, but it never fails for me to be disappointed whenever I use an amp sim.

Whenever I plug in my guitar directly into the DI and load up an amp sim with a cab ir, it just sounds super flat. No dynamics, no life, just very lack luster all around and I have no idea why.

I have recorded guitar tracks while running a distortion pedal into a Mooer Radar Cab IR Loader and it sounded very good. But cannot for the life of me get an amp sim to sound nearly as dynamic when I run just my guitar into the DI

What gives?


I know and have read comments on various different sites about how much fans hate these novels. I want to know if there’s anyone out there that actually likes them?

I have the Legends series along with the two sequels after Chapter House. I’m currently on Heretics and also decided to start the Butlerian Jihad. I’m a few chapters into that one as well and can definitely tell a difference in writing style, but don’t think it’s that bad so far. I’m trying to go into it optimistically and while I know there’s a lot of contradictions from Franks original work, Dune is by far my most favorite universe out there. So regardless I’m interested in whatever lore is out there that can dive me deeper into it.

Does anyone actually enjoy the BH novels in their own right when not compared to the original six?

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 26 points 1 year ago

When you break it down like this, it’s literally the plot for Dune lol

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 71 points 1 year ago

Because nobody wants Biden again. Nobody voted for Biden, they voted against Trump.

Democrats are more than likely going to lose because Biden decided to run for reelection. He had the perfect opportunity to make a symbolic transition of power from the old Washington to the new Washington if he would’ve endorsed a younger candidate to run for 2024 instead of himself. But nope.

It’s obvious the American people are desperate for a change. All Biden represents is the status quo of elderly Washington, which is the same way this country has been ran for 50 years. Clearly the people are tired of that.

They’re going to vote for whoever represents the most change, which Biden does not. So unless the GOP has an absolute turd casserole for their candidate, the GOP candidate has the best bet for winning.

They’re so fucking braindead and out of touch in DC it’s going to cost us our democracy.


I’m recording my first album using real drums that I’m recording with two mics. I used to use drum programs like EZDrummer so it was fine to use just regular guitar plugins. Now that I’m using real drums recorded in a room, the guitars used with VSTs sound off and way more artificial now when compared to the real drums. I want something that I can record with the same mics I use on the drums to give it that “same room” sound. I’d like a budget amp, whether new or used, that’s great for recording old death metal with a mic. Budget is $300. Would spend a little over if needed, but just really would like something that will sound great when recorded and isn’t going to cost me a mortgage.

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

Wow that’s a tough one. I’m glad it worked out

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 38 points 1 year ago

I reported her new boyfriend for installing spyware on her phone without her knowledge so he could spy on our conversations and I have heard him telling people information about me that he had obtained through the spyware. I told her I wouldn’t do it, but I talked to my therapist and they said I had to do something because she leaves her kid with him and he can continue doing this to other women in the future. She won’t press charges though.


I just had to report something to the police that will probably end a very close friendship of mine, but it was something that was totally not okay and I had to do it. But I still feel like a piece of shit for it. Have you ever felt like this and how did you get through it?

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

Who else was on here when this was first posted?

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 22 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don’t really want money or compensation, I just want to make him regret everything he’s been doing to not only me, but also his girlfriend. I know that may sound immature, or silly, but it’s personal for me now. But I understand if I can’t sue for monetary reasons. I just can’t live with letting someone using personal information that I shared with someone else as a weapon against me. Especially something I try to keep private.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by drewisawesome14@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

My good friend at work is dating a guy that is also a coworker and at first I thought this guy was pretty cool.

As it turns out, he’s batshit insane and a horrible human being.

It has come to my attention recently that he had been spreading rumors and information about me and sexual identity (Bi), outing me in order to manipulate the work place into being “against me”. Including outing me to close work friends of mine that I was keeping that part of my life private from out of fear of losing their friendship.

I have already gone through HR, and that employee is currently being investigated, but the more I find out, the worse it gets.

This guy has been threatened by my friendship with his girlfriend, my close friend who I have known longer than him, and without either of our knowledge, he installed a spy app on her phone which gave him access to every text, snap, instagram, Facebook, phone calls, and even what she does online. I know this because she came to me saying her phone was acting up, and me being ex-IT, found the app he installed on her phone.

Recently I just heard from another coworker that he has been telling people of my gay sexual relationships which I do not recall ever telling him. He has also told coworkers about things I have texted her verbatim, so I am starting to think that he may have possibly gathered information about my sex life through text messages to her, without either of us knowing he could read them, and has been telling my other work colleagues.

I know this guy isn’t coming back to the work place, but I feel so crossed that I'm not sure even that’s enough. I want to know if, because he obtained that information illegally, I could file a lawsuit against him as well.

I have felt so violated all this week because of this guy, someone who I thought I was friends with and even defended at times, stabbed me in the back and did this horrible thing to me.

Obviously this is lemmy and I don’t expect there to be any lawyers here, but do you think I may have a case?

[-] drewisawesome14@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago

So essentially it’s a “she’s taken attention away from me” reasoning. Wow what a joke our government has become.


I need to replace my 5 year old laptop this summer for the fall semester and I’ve decided that instead of a new computer I should just upgrade to a tablet. I’ve always loved the iPad mini for its size. It’d be extremely portable and I would honestly get a lot more use out of it other than just school work, but I’m nervous about having to type notes or papers with it for how small it is. I’ve considered the Air because it’d be easier to use it as a computer, I know I could write papers and type/write notes easily with an Apple Pencil. It would be a great school computer, but I don’t know if I would use it casually like the mini. I’d love to buy both but can’t afford that. Which one would be better?

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