[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 2 points 2 days ago

You are not wrong and I agree 100%. It doesn't seem to change things with regards to the fascists anyway.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 31 points 3 days ago

"Do you support Hamas?"

"I do not support Hamas."


I hope that he is given the same treatment that the IOF has given so many Palestinians when the revolution comes.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 6 points 5 days ago

I agree that they seem to have just taken the US support as a massive attempt to both get their cause seen by more people (which is helpful in changing hearts and minds away from the "they are PPK and PKK are 'terrorists'" which was how they were presented by even US propaganda). And to use the really good opportunity in the fight against ISIS to get any and all supplies they could from the US in order to keep their area defended for the inevitable attacks from Türkiye after ISIS. Though I am not sure how many weapons and other defense related items they were able to get (but supplies are supplies). They still need to make sure to walk the fine lines with the Syrian government to be sure.

The most fucked thing that they have been left with is the ISIS prisoners and their families. The longer that those massive numbers of people are left in limbo due to all the nations that they originated from not wanting to take them back. The worse shit will be when those folks break out of containment. Shit would be great to use by Türkiye especially as an excuse to "legitimately" invade. Which means brutal genocide of the Kurds from both sides. And if the open air prisons go on long enough, it will be easy for bad-faith actors to eventually paint them as doing what Israel is doing with Gaza/West Bank. Which isn't what they are doing, but multiple generations of families being imprisoned (even if said prisons weren't setup by the Kurds for that length of time in mind) for crimes against humanity that the new generation didn't commit will be easy to use for propaganda.

The Kurds are resourceful, but trying to figure out how to allow people out without it turning into a bloodbath is beyond fucked. It might have been easier (and still beyond fucked) to have not taken prisoners and kill anyone and everyone that flew the ISIS flag before "victory" was claimed. They know that a majority of prisoners actively plan and openly speak about the torture and murder they will commit if they are able to get out. Which I imagine is what the long term goal of Türkiye and other hostile powers wish to make happen. The nations that want to keep their hands clean of bringing ISIS families back home to have to deal with are fine with Kurds being killed. Just like how the US and the West have done with green-washing themselves by pushing shit off onto "third world" nations.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 33 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Them admitting this just seems to be the same tactics that are meant to be "scary" and create false demand for more money. With it being an election year and all, it means the corpo parties will both trip over each other to provide blank checks. Like always.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 35 points 4 months ago

New waves of workers will either fall back to the groomed bigotry of "they took our jobs" as we have seen time and time again from other job sectors (like industrial/manufacturing/support/etc). Or maybe wake up to the corps/bosses/board members/capitalists being the real cause of their loss of jobs. Given that so many tech-bros tend to jump into libertarian stuff (regulations/taxes being evil by default which they also learned from the bosses that just fired them). I am guessing that sadly the former will be what they do, even if they go on to curse the mega-corps that purged them to inflate numbers. Though I hold hope that some will have a radicalizing moment and join the left.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 36 points 6 months ago

Even if she does or doesn't actually care about Gaza. This does at least show that enough people have been putting in the work of being in her face and flooding her physical and electronic mailboxes to force her to say it. So it means that none of the elected office holders should be allowed one moment of peace.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 31 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

One of the bills (the Restrict Act) seems like it is just remaking the Patriot Act but with more spying. So I doubt that this shit will be just allowed to not go into affect even if Tiktok is sold off.

Vid talking about it: https://www.tiktok.com/@sayheyjames/video/7216023076595813678

The bill itself: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text?s=1&r=15

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 25 points 6 months ago

Well if you want the glass to be able to possibly survive someone breaking into it or being hit by something from outside (which seems they are doing better since that hilarious moment on stage). Then it seems that it would be obvious that it would mean also not being easy to break from inside. Even if it were regular car windows, the shit is hard to just break out from the inside without a pick or something else with a hard point. Also very curious how fast she had to have reversed to not have been able to stop and switch to drive or open the damn door. Not meaning to defend Tesla (and more specifically Musk), but kind of get the feeling she would have met the same fate in some other brand. Very stupid for someone that runs a shipping company to not know why it is important to not just floor it while being so close to a body of water.

If we are lucky, we will see more CEOs meet similar fates. Put there by their own incompetence and their last moments having nothing but fear. Their wealth and egos being unable to save them.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 20 points 7 months ago

Dude needs to have like 5 more strokes and STFU. The people are making actual demands of Biden and the whole Democratic Party. They have become just so used to just leaning on the "vote blue no matter who" stance and just literally put more effort in attacking voters for making any demands than they ever do when it comes to Republican Party policies that come up for votes. He is a bitch that threatened a jogger with a shotgun and convensed the victim that he had done more good than harm (even though the victim even outright claims that he was lying about all the actions he took with the situation). Fuck him and his false "man of the people" BS! They only ever "care" about shit like reproductive or various civil rights issues when elections come around. And they never even try to make protections for said issues when they have actual power to do so. I just hope the next stroke takes him out, seeing how being mentally unfit for a position of power no longer matters since Biden is being allowed to run again.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 25 points 1 year ago

Aside from the parts already said. For all the talk that dems have said about how RvW was on the line for basically all of my adult life. They never did anything to set it as anything other than a ruling. Which if said ruling was anything other than a win for its time but always possible to be overturned. Then it shows how little they really care about protecting reproductive rights, and just cared about being able to use it as a trump card to scare a few more people to show up to vote. And therefore it was always more useful to them to keep it that way. Want to have an easy way to make sure third parties never get a chance? Make sure that the people that are truly scared of RvW being lost are riled up to harass and attack/vote shame anyone that says they are voting for anything other than team blue. There are even quotes from Obama (and maybe Hillary but she obviously didn't try to fight hard while working under him) where they even outright say that protecting RvW by making it law wasn't a priority.

Always putting our Military Industrial Complex (and more importantly) their weird obsession with being anything other than hard centrist and not upsetting the conservatives. Never ending talk of "bipartisanship" by letting Republicans dictate what does and doesn't fly. It is always just put back on the voters as being their job to "vote harder" or other bs that puts blame on everyone but them. For all the shit that they say in campaigns and some snarky interviews "dunking on" the right. Much like how protesting in the US is just about some one day marches and speeches where everyone high-fives and posts for clout before just going home. And when people that really give a fuck stick around for longer or anything more than that. They are then told that they are not "protesting correctly" and those same libs side with the right and begin supporting more funding for pigs.

Always riding on the next election as being too soon to push for anything that isn't safely supported by at least 90% of the voters (of both parties). They could give zero fucks about gay marriage until it was safe to support it. More of that "oh I completely agree with you 100%, but it just isn't the right time" and "we need to just wait to wait for you to have those rights until America is ready for it". They are all the perfect example of what MLK Jr was talking about with his speech about white moderates being the real oppressors. It is easy for them to go slow on all of this because it doesn't materially or directly impact them. Just like the same liberals that vote for them and claim to support X cause just as long as it isn't in their backyard or otherwise inconvenience them.

[-] dRLY@hexbear.net 61 points 1 year ago

TL;DR first because I got rant-y

Hexbear and Lemmygrad formed to be leftist first and individual interests second. So your take is spot-on. I also think that they get mad that Hexbear doesn't have the option to downvote. So they don't get the satisfaction of the power trip and makes them even more pissed off. lol

The funny thing about people thinking we are assholes is that between here, lemmy.ml, and lemmygrad.ml I have found this instance to be the most chill. I find myself more concerned about getting attacked on lemmy.ml for even trying to say something that is not in-line with the western media narrative. I am a bit worried about getting jumped on for misunderstanding or having a bad take on lemmygrad. However I have begun to be better at thinking about how I say/ask things when replying to posts. Which I think is overall a good thing and have better accepted that even if I may disagree with folks, that it is better to learn more about those things over all.

For all the shit that I am learning and seeing that gets said about here and lemmygrad. Those folks on lemmy.ml and the other instances are just beyond quick to just outright refuse to take a moment to consider that they are not questioning shit at all. Just super binary "good or evil." Even if they agree that their "side" has historically both lied and done super fucked up shit. It is still unwavering "still much better than insert whatever shit they think anti-capitalism has done to so many people." They completely misunderstand that us "tankies" are just dumb motherfuckers brainwashed into thinking that AES nations never did anything wrong. It also doesn't help that even "progressive" liberals are so firmly conserned about being super slightly left of dead centre. To go around talking shit about how the hammer and sickle should be treated the same as the Nazi swastika. Still believing that the US is the reason we won the war. Nor do they realize how the Cold War was completely kicked off by the western allies renegging on promises made to the USSR for helping recoup. That the massive build-up of nukes was due to our own war hawks lying about the supposed rapid build-up of anything from the Soviets. Cuba and USSR are always the "war mongers" for putting nukes on Cuba, but the US's shit in Europe/Turkiey.

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