[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 9 points 6 hours ago

Reverse this for me. I shower first thing in the morning every day and my bath towels are just drying clean skin. They only touch me for maybe a minute or two before being hung to dry.

However, I go to sleep at night, after a full day of developing natural body oils on my skin. And I lie in bed for 8+ hours at a time.

My bed sheets are far more gross after a week of use than my towel will get in a month, more or less a couple weeks.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 5 points 17 hours ago

You say you don’t care for Porsche IRL. If you have any interest in driving performance vehicles and have an opportunity to drive one, try to not pass it up.

I used to be pretty big into cars in my youth. I actually took part in some drift racing in northern Japan when I lived there for a few years, and those guys are all big math/physics/car nerds (not the Yakuza gangster wannabes like you saw in Tokyo Drift; that movie was fantasy American street racing with a Japanese skin over it), so I really got into that stuff for a while. But high-end sports cars were out of our league, so I haven't ever tried a Porsche. I guess that needs to go on my bucket list.

I suppose have finally accepted there’s never going to be another “campaign” style title. I guess that’s really the gaming industry as a whole with all the battle Royales and similar arcade-style games.

I really hate that there's so much push to get us to play online multiplayer games now. I mean, I get it from a financial standpoint - it keeps players engaged with a game long after they've finished the campaign and if they can squeeze micro-transactions/seasons/DLC into it, it's a source of added income for years afterward. But from a gaming standpoint, I just see it as repetitive gameplay that doesn't lead anywhere, with rewards that are never worth the effort.

I'm also not a fan of playing online with strangers because the environment can be very toxic. I barely tolerate playing co-op with my friends some days. 😆

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 2 points 18 hours ago

Even then, expansion packs were far and few between, and they expanded the story! They didn't just add a custom skin of horse armor to your game. You got actual real content to enjoy with your money.

Incidentally, I just jumped back on the horse this morning by adding the latest World of Warcraft expansion to my account. I was almost done with Activision Blizzard and their awful content updates, but I decided to give it one more shot. So I might have some WoW screenshots incoming in the near future.

I had been an active player since 2005 and have bought every collector's edition since The Burning Crusade. Only because Blizzard used to be an amazing company. But they've been garbage since they sold to Activision, and I've been spending more and more time away from it in the past decade. My wife actually gave up on it when Mists of Pandaria came out.

I barely played the last expansion; it just wasn't fun trying to level up a dragon so I could glide just a little bit further across the map, when I have dozens of actual flying mounts in my inventory. Too much work for something that should've been given to us after meeting quest and/or level requirements. As far as I understand, their latest expansion is supposed to be the first in a massive 3-part story to reinvigorate the franchise, so I'm hoping they actually hired someone who knows what they're doing this time.

submitted 19 hours ago by cobysev@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

I love a good racing game, and Forza Horizon 5 has been quite enjoyable. I like that I can drive around freely on the map and jump into events anytime I want to. Or just dick around and get combo points for doing cool stunts in the wild.

This Porsche has been my "daily driver" in this game. So far, it's been my favorite car to get around in. Just because the handling is really nice in the game; I don't really care for Porsche's in real life.

I also really enjoyed their collaboration with Hot Wheels. I daresay their Hot Wheels events are far more fun than anything else going on in the game. It's fun to be playing in real cars on an oversized track, which make you feel like you're driving a tiny toy car. But I also really like the Hot Wheels Unleashed games, so maybe I'm a bit biased. Also, I collected Hot Wheels when I was a kid back in the '80s, so the idea of driving in a life-sized Hot Wheels car is amazing to me. #LifeGoals.

Hot Wheels. I've said it too much and it sounds weird to me now. I believe the term is "semantic satiation."

Plus, the visuals are gorgeous! I suppose I should mention that I built a gaming computer earlier this year just so I can max out graphics on my games. Most of my screenshots are in 4K resolution ([dons my IT technician hat] Officially 2K, but marketing departments call it 4K) and I'm playing on a giant 48" OLED monitor. It's important to have the best visuals in my games to get that immersive feeling. Especially in a racing game.

What I don't like is all the micro-transactions to buy individual cars. I enjoy unlocking more cars to play in my racing games, but I'm not about to spend real money to unlock a single car that might be interesting to drive around for 15-20 minutes.

I will play 100+ hours of challenges to eventually unlock a single car before I spend the $3 to immediately unlock one. First off, that's the whole point of games - to play them! Unlocking content should be part of the gameplay, not something you can skip if you have the money to throw at it.

Secondly, I'm very anti-corporate greed, and unfortunately, games are run by businesses who care more about making money than actually making good content. So the enshittification is spreading.

There was a time when gamers balked at DLC - if you didn't have all content in a base game upon release, then what was the point? But every company jumped on the DLC train, and we've gotten so used to it in the past decade or two that it's almost expected that a game will release extra content after the fact now. If it weren't for Steam, I'd probably never play games. They're not the perfect company, but they've done more to support the gaming community, providing reasonable deals and permanent access to your games, even if publishers pull them from the store. But that's a rant for another day. I digress.

Also, I hate that this game is super expensive! It sat in my Steam wishlist for ages until I got a pretty decent deal on it. No way I'm paying $60 on the low end for a base racing game. Interestingly, there was a time a year or two ago, when I noticed Forza Horizon 4 was even more expensive than Forza Horizon 5! I dunno what the deal was, but I guess it must've had a larger player base at the time, so they jacked up the price.

Anyway, the TL;DR is that Forza Horizon 5 is a fun game with beautiful graphics, but gaming companies are evil, including whomever makes/distributes this game and all its overpriced and useless DLC.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

I have a Mazda like this. I absolutely hate it.

I have a small built-in touchscreen on the top of the dashboard which is visible in my peripheral vision while driving. But it turns off touch controls while the car is moving. And the physical controls are in the center console behind my manual stick, on the passenger's side. So I have to blindly feel around for my knobs and buttons while driving, or take my eyes completely off the road to look down at my center console.

It would be safer if I could just tap the screen quick while keeping my eyes facing the road, versus trying to search for knobs down next to my passenger's thigh.

I also hate that this newer model removed the mute button from my steering wheel. I used to be able to immediately mute my radio by pressing that button on my 2010 Mazda. But in my new 2017 Mazda, I need to find the tiny volume knob by my passenger's thigh and slap that knob. I still have volume buttons on my steering wheel, but I can't immediately mute by holding the down volume button. So I need to go searching for that knob, which is more time I'm not looking at the road.

submitted 1 day ago by cobysev@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

I was absolutely giddy about playing this game the first time I saw its trailer! And it lived up to the hype. Squirrel With a Gun, as the name implies, is a ridiculous game about a squirrel who gets into a secret underground compound, steals a gun off an agent, and then goes nuts (pardon the pun), disrupting the best laid plans of the secret organization. It has a slight flavor of James Bond while also just being a wacky "get that squirrel!" type of game.

It's a sandbox puzzle game, giving you a neighborhood to run around in and simple puzzles to solve, like how to cook hamburgers when the propane grill is leaking and won't ignite. (Gee, I wonder how to solve this with only a gun at my disposal...🤔). Or how to score a touchdown when you're 6 inches tall and the football field is covered in agents. Or even how to get a drunk passed-out groom off the roof and to his wedding on time! You're rewarded for solving problems with a giant golden acorn (read: secret technological device shaped a lot like an acorn) that you shove into your cute little cheeks before scampering off.

For some more story screenshots, here's a few more of your grand entrance to the first boss fight.

Also, here is your initial meeting with "Father," the first boss of the game.

Finally, here's the funny cutscene after you defeat Father. I love that the squirrel rides the explosion from the secret underground compound back up to the surface.

I've put a little over 4 hours into this game and it's just silly fun. If you want to experience life as a squirrel (who happens to have a gun), this is a fun game to run around in. Especially when you find enough acorns to unlock better weapons, and even a toy car to ride around in! Plus, you can find cute hats, costumes, and even different fur colors for your squirrel to wear. As if he wasn't cute enough already. 🥰

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

The Internet was the Wild West back in the '90s. Anyone could do pretty much anything and there was very little regulation. In the past 3 decades, standards have been popping up to help us build a solid structure for how the Internet works, but a lack of regulation in the beginning led people to believe the Internet was a truly free bastion of information. A place we could share data without going through an institution or government or organization that put their own spin on it first. Which has prevented certain areas of regulation from being enacted, like limiting who can use what root domain names.

Of course, that mindset has backfired since people realized how easy it is to just post false information, and we now find ourselves in an age of misinformation, unable to verify data we find online without a solid reputable organization behind it.

4chan is a perfect example of this. It was originally created under the concept that anyone could post anything and not be censored or banned for it. Their idealism led to many people pushing boundaries with how hateful or violent they could be. Which started as jokes, but then new members came who misunderstood the satire and sarcasm (it's very hard to identify through text only) and took the diatribe as a welcome place to be their truly awful selves. And before we knew it, 4chan became a cesspool of the worst people, who push misleading information to corrupt the minds of their followers and harm large groups of people.

We're in an awkward place where a lot of people want the freedom to continue posting whatever they want without censorship or regulation, while others want data to be regulated and controlled to ensure validity and hold people accountable for their online content. It may be many more decades before we find a solution, but for now, the best thing to do is teach our young students critical thinking skills and how to identify potentially misleading data they find online.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

I inherited my childhood home and I'm still over 1,600 miles away from my mother. But she preferred her own childhood home on the other side of the country and moved there as soon as she divorced my dad. I'm still very close with my mother. Just not... physically.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 15 points 2 days ago

Those symbols on those shirts are an equivalent to a swastika

That's... the point. This particular branch of the game led to everyone (except you) becoming a Nazi. All because you tolerated racist diatribe from your supposed "best friend." It's a tongue-in-cheek look at what could happen if you tolerate racists in your life. And it doesn't end well for the racists.

Perhaps you should play the game before you jump to conclusions on its content. Yes, it's a dark game, but it definitely doesn't show any love for Nazis.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

True, but I didn't want to thank you and NOT the person I was directly responding to. And I thought it was kind of weird only tagging one name and not the other.

Maybe I've just been socializing on Discord too much. I've gotten used to tagging everyone I'm talking to directly.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I have not played this game before. I might have to check it out. Thanks @mox@lemmy.sdf.org and @Sanctus@lemmy.world!

EDIT: Not used to tagging users on Lemmy yet. Sorry for the edits. Hope I got it right this time.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

I can get behind that. My wife and I share a bed, but she's talked about having her own separate bed. She's an extremely light sleeper and even shifting a little bit in bed wakes her up. Suffice to say, she almost never gets good sleep and ends up napping half of the day after I've gotten up. She still prefers to fall asleep cuddled up to me, though, which is why we haven't gotten her a separate bed yet.

We also have plenty of separate hobbies that the other doesn't care for. I collect comic books that my wife isn't interested in, and she loves true crime shows, which get very boring and repetitive for me. But we each indulge in our separate hobbies in nearby rooms, so we can excitedly share details with the other.

She loves telling me all about the horrifying ways someone was murdered on one of her shows, and whereas I don't care for the show myself, I enjoy how excited she is about sharing all the gory details. I love her passion for her interests. 🥰

submitted 2 days ago by cobysev@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

I'm changing things up a bit today. I don't play exclusively AAA titles, so here's something a little different.

Class of '09 touts itself as an "anti-visual novel." Instead of a typical dating sim where you get to score with tons of hot anime girls by saying all the right things, you instead play AS the girl, rejecting guys around you and wreaking havoc on everyone's social lives.

It's considered a period game, taking place in the late '00s. Which makes me feel really old hearing people waxing nostalgic for the 2000s. I graduated high school in 2002; my nostalgic frame of reference is the '80s-'90s. 😖

Warning: This is a very dark game. There are about 15 endings, depending on your choices. I haven't played through them all yet, but the best ending I've seen so far left you single and alone for the rest of your life, working cashier at a fast food restaurant to pay the bills. A lot of endings have you murdered, committing suicide, stuck in rehab, etc. As far as I can tell, there isn't a happy ending for the protagonist.

This particular story in the screenshot got started when I decided to tolerate my best friend being a White Nationalist and not let a difference in politics get in the way of our friendship (Oops). It led to her starting a "White Pride Party" that literally everyone in the school joined except for me.

The nerdy Jeffrey only joined the club because he was a social pariah and it was the only group that accepted him. In order to test his convictions, I asked him out on a date and forced him to choose between egging a synagogue and dating me. Which led to the hilarious line in the screenshot. And also led to the WPP turning on Jeffrey. Double oops.

There's another game called Class of '09: The Re-Up that I own, but haven't played yet. It claims it's not a sequel or a remaster, but additional stories branching off the original game. If I ever get around to finishing this first game, I'll check it out.

[-] cobysev@lemmy.world 22 points 2 days ago

This is exactly the relationship my wife and I share. We're each other's best friends, so it's easy to hang out every day. Which is important because we're both not working, so we're around each other 24/7.

So many couples struggled throughout the pandemic because they were actually forced to spend a lot of time together and realized they just didn't care for each others' company as much as they thought. But it had no effect on my relationship with my wife because we already spent almost every moment of our free time together.

And it's not like we do absolutely everything together. There are plenty of days when we're indulging in our own separate hobbies or interests. But we're always close by, so we can chat or share our geeky hobbies with one another.

If you marry someone for looks, status, money, etc., you may find yourself in more of a business relationship than a romantic one, which will struggle as you get older. But finding someone who completely gets you is refreshing. You don't need to put on a mask around them; you can be yourself and be confident that they love you for YOU. And if you truly respect them, you'll also love and appreciate them for being themselves too.

submitted 3 days ago by cobysev@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

This is my 5th most played game on Steam, mostly because I've played through the campaign solo once, then replayed it with a friend, then re-replayed with another friend. Plus, after the campaign is over, there are daily missions you can complete that change every day, so it's not like you run out of things to do in-game.

Slots #4-7 in my most-played games list are all Tom Clancy games, actually. As a former military guy, I actually love Tom Clancy games. It's fun to compare them to reality. Yeah, there are a lot of fantasy future-tech situations in those games, but sometimes a real-world military scenario plays out, and it's fun to compare/contrast with how the military actually operates.

This particular screenshot was snapped while I was fighting a Behemoth tank. I was getting my butt kicked with little progress, so I decided it would be easier to just nuke it from the air with an Overseer helicopter with Mk. II guided missiles.

Little did I know, the Behemoth also has missiles and locked onto me as soon as I came within range. This is me bailing out before my helicopter was blown to bits. I was too close to dodge the guided missiles in time.

Below is a shot of my usual team: two of my close friends (left and right) and me (center). Ignore the floating backpack in the foreground. 😅 It glitched and stayed in place when we entered the bivouac.

My buddies modeled their characters' appearance after themselves, but I like to play as women if given the opportunity. I was raised by a strong, independent-type woman (and also married one!), so I always lean toward women protagonists in my games. Action hero men are boring and overplayed, in my opinion. 😜

submitted 4 days ago by cobysev@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

This is my absolute favorite screenshot of mine from this game. I love it so much, I actually had it as my desktop background for a while. Just so much energy and action in this one shot! It was a satisfying scene to play through as well.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart was an extremely fun game to play. Not only was the gameplay enjoyable, but the cinematics seamlessly blended into the game, both visually and interactively.

I always tell people that games are interactive stories for me. I don't play games for a challenge or to do a mind-numbing repetitive task (coughMOBAcough). I want a good, rich story to enjoy, with at least some limited control over the plot so it feels like I'm an active part of it.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart did an excellent job with that, bouncing back and forth between Ratchet and Clank separated in a parallel dimension, and their dimensional counterparts Rivet and Kit trying to separately help them reunite and stop Doctor Nefarious and his dimensional counterpart, Emperor Nefarious.

I actually enjoyed Rivet's story much more than Ratchet's, so most of my screenshots are from her gameplay. She lives in a world where Emperor Nefarious has already conquered the galaxy, so it's a dark and futile landscape. I love alternate-reality/parallel dimension/what-if stories, and this really scratches that itch.

The facial expressions of all the characters are so expressive, too! During cutscenes, I would sometimes forget I'm playing a game. And it didn't just end with cutscenes; the characters would continue to emote and interact with their environment throughout the gameplay, so it didn't feel like jumping from a cutscene to the game and back again. Most of my screenshots are during cutscenes though, because I was too enthralled with the gameplay to remember to stop and take some nice pictures.

For a few more story screenshots, here's the (abridged) conversation between Ratchet and Rivet upon their first meetup.

Also, here's a (spoiler-free) scene of Rivet finding out who took her arm in the past. The range of emotions she goes through, from surprise to anger to fear, is so raw and emotional! This game had its silly moments but also knew when to play it serious, and the animation really pulls its weight with the facial expressions. Such a great game!

submitted 5 days ago by cobysev@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Greetings! I retired young(ish), so I have oodles of time to enjoy my extensive Steam library. I bounce back and forth between various games every day, and I take a ton of screenshots during my gameplay, so I'll post some of the better ones I have.

Starting with this shot from the game Enshrouded. I found this corpse under a tree with a half-written journal entry next to him.

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