[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I use Traefik because it solved a problem with the static configuration approach which Nginx had / still has.

In a scenario with multiple services behind Nginx, taking one down or replacing an instance is massive headache. I tried to script around it, but basically the Nginx container would choke on the fact that a service does not [yet / anymore] exist, and together with the docker networking stack it turned out to be an insurmountable problem.

Traefik otoh discovers services based on (in my case) labels on the docker containers running locally. And then updates the configuration on the fly.

Basically the static approach to configuration resulted in massive headache when I needed to enable zero downtime deployments and updates behind Nginx. And Traefik handled it perfectly without dropping a single request.

Nowadays I manage my dynamic configuration with ansible and update the values in for the file-based configuration provider with a playbook. I don't need a UI to manage my inventory, I use ansible for that. Traefik handles the rest perfectly.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Ich glaube, dass das im besten Fall sehr unwahrscheinlich ist, ich würde es als komplett unrealistisch bezeichnen. Dass Fliegen irgendwann nicht mehr erwünscht oder begehrt wird.

Die Zeit ist immer ein Faktor, und wenn Urlaubstage begrenzt sind, will man möglichst schnell ans Ziel kommen. Dasselbe gilt für die Arbeit, wenn ich für einen Meeting vor Ort sein muss, und quer durch Europa (oder weiter weg) reisen, gibt es keine Alternativen.

Ich kann der Wunsch vollkommen nachvollziehen, und ich begrüße jede Maßnahme für Reduktion unnötiger Flüge. Sprich - die klassischen Berater- innendeutsche Flüge, Massentourismus usw. Aber in eine globalisierte Welt wird es fliegen geben müssen. Viele Leute wohnen weit weg von der Familie. Mit unsere kleine Tochter können wir zb nicht einfach so 12+ Stunden am Stück reisen, um meine Eltern zu besuchen. Nur so als einen Beispiel.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 16 points 2 months ago

Too late for that

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 14 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Storage is not easy when you don't have massive amounts of free land. This is an ongoing debate in Europe, and in one particular country a leaky storage was discovered just a month or two ago. Again.

And there is no guarantee that what we build today is not going to be a massive liability in 50 or 200 or hell, 500 years. But the companies and people who are responsible will not even exist at this point.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago

What about the storage for the used fuel? This is a massive problem for any country not occupying half a continent.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago

Man könne auch eine gewisse Zeit crossposten, und darauf hinweisen. Ich fände es super, ein paar communities auf den Server mit content zu versorgen. Diese dann zu folgen = mehr Traffik auf die neue Communities.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago

You would be better off with a dongle. I have one which supports hi-res audio and has plenty of power to drive my over ear audionerd headphones. Phone jacks and DACs can't ever match that.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 6 points 6 months ago

I was considering grabbing a last minute legacy license, but I really don't have a use case for unraid. I need a NAS for storage and a few VMs. And my apps run on generic SBCs or NUCs which I manage through ssh/ansible. So yeah, TrueNAS it is for me as well.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago

And there is absolutely no way, that I could find, to create or pin a shortcut to eg WinTerm, which would launch it as admin.

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 2 points 9 months ago

What are the advantages of using the plugin (Remotely Save) over just using dumb sync with Syncthing? Conflicts I assume?

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Interesting, I'll take a look before Google shuts down yet another app I use. Does it support sharing and syncing over something other than nextcloud?

[-] bmarinov@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago

Ansible everything and automate as you go. It is slower, but if it's not your first time setting something up it's not too bad. Right now I literally couldn't care less if the SD on one of my raspberry pi's dies. Or my monitoring backend needs to be reinstalled.

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