submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

If you loved FEAR or the newer Wolfenstein games like I did, you'll likely enjoy Selaco too. It takes after those games the most (and even bits of other 2000s FPSs like Half-Life 2) despite getting labelled as a "boomer shooter", being chock-full of secrets/references and running on GZDoom.

The base price of 25 USD might seem a bit steep for an indie title and the game is still in EA, but this is the rare case where you'll get your money's worth in my opinion. The now-released first act (pre-update) is clearly an indicator that the overall design, gameplay loop and vision for the game has been nailed down to a T even if they still semi-regularly update it to tweak it further. From the updates, it also seems they actually have a plan for the next two acts to be released by this century (2025 and 2026 respectively).

That all being said, the story elements (beyond visual story-telling and logs/emails) have been left out for now and there's a big story update coming in by the end of the year so you can also hold off until then.


Here's a review

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Tsar Pogromas II may have enforced the Pale of Settlement and directed massacres of Jews at such a rate that even other European powers, themselves virulently antisemitic, were condemning Russia, but compared to the later Soviets who committed the heinous crime of opposing my cherished Bantustan settler-colony and supporting Palestinian statehood, he was a saint!

Damn, maybe he shouldn't have entered the war then lenin-laugh

Doesn't take too long to find her ranting about "self-hating Jews" either, because of course. The cream on top is that she's also a Shahist Iranian Gusano, living in ukkk no less, so this is pretty tame compared to what usually comes out of their mouths.

Link if you want radiation exposure

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

IDK, maybe when more people here are getting screwed over, libs will radicalize and get off their asses instead of trying to guilt us for not giving legitimacy unconditionally to their favorite “lesser evil” bourgeois party.

Of course, using their meager leverage to extract concessions from the people supposedly representing them never crosses their minds…

Also imagine having the audacity to call us privileged when you see what’s going on in Gaza as a “single issue” instead of an escalation of violence by the ruling class that can and will go back to us.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Violence to uproot a US-backed dictatorship which shoves dissidents into mass graves every other week? Unacceptable and unnatural.

Violence to assist an ethnonationalist settler colonial project in eliminating resistance in the ghetto they shoved the indigenous population into for the past 75 years? What violence? Simply is a natural process.

Not even getting into the violence the American state used to entrench itself during its own revolution (against royalists, natives, farmers who want to pay less taxes like the Whiskey Rebellion) and, today, wages abroad and on its own citizens every other day (poverty, imprisonment, police brutality) to maintain itself.

Remember, the “hypocrisy” is the point when it comes to defending Empire. Deep down, they simply believe it’s a team sport.

Link to this dipshit

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

“My tax dollars going into ruining that country so yeah it is an "our on issues"”

“other than america funding Israel how tho??”


Is it normal for communists to feel as dismally about the people of their own country as I do now?

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 54 points 2 months ago

Is it because homophobia or because it's a migraine-inducing aesthetic eyesore?


Original Meme

TIL, after years of playing Stardew Valley on-off, that Pierre apparently has quite the (well-deserved) hatedom.



OOTL: Protests happen outside of synagogues holding sale of stolen Palestinian land. MSM outlets, right and “left”, react predictably. This was under a post pointing it out.

On the ad itself, I can’t help but wonder what goes through the hollow skull of a thin-blue-like MAGA hog who thinks ~~the Jews~~ George Soros is funding “antisemitism” while also controlling the Democrats bending over backwards for Israel because… reasons.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

There are few beings as Hitler particle dense as a Finnish or Eastern European NAFOid who bemoans Ruzzian imperialism but firmly aligns with NATO and Israel. Also includes current “pro-democracy” Georgians.

If you hate your mental health

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 82 points 3 months ago

Unironically, he did do this indirectly by being too soft on the Labour Right before they ousted him.


To be clear, Western liberals asking their governments to blockade or outright militarily intervene against Israel are very naive (even if their hearts are in the right place), but the Zionist posts I've seen in response to that trend are something else entirely. I don't think even South Africa and its supporters pre-Cuito Cuanavale were self-deluded enough to think they could survive being blockaded (much less hit by NATO strikes a la Yugoslavia).

I guess we're going to be seeing a lot more Endsieg posting as Israel pushes the envelope further.


Genius move trying to deflect blame to the guy Biden is willing to pit the "free world" against the ICC for, after sending him weapons in bulk every other day.

Fr, I'm wondering if Blue Dog liberals will ever come to understand that treating the people they are trying to "win over" like imbeciles who don't have access to a 24/7 news stream through the tiny computer in their pocket isn't "the strategy".

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 67 points 4 months ago

The world should have partitioned the Krauts after 1945 when it had the chance


Sure is a wonder why Israel has so many friends from the likes of Bolsonaro and Milei supporters.

Inb4 liberal Zionists find the tweet and talk about how Israel is a pluralistic liberal democracy which needs to let the “right fringe” (ie. The Israeli Overton window) have a voice and that extends to all its overseas supporters.

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 66 points 5 months ago

some pro-Isntrael commentor named “Nakba Nancy” crying crocodile tears about muh incitement to violence

Can’t make this shit up

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 57 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

shy im jwust an editow at a smow bean pubwication normawizing detewiowating conditions under bourgeois rule while sitting by my poowl bottom-speak

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 94 points 6 months ago

Trump is an opportunistic grifter while Biden is an ideologically-committed Zionist and imperialist who thinks the only issue here is that the PR is bad.

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 53 points 8 months ago

Love to see that wholesome "international solidarity" behind Ukraine crumble to dust when the chips are down and the empire has other priorities. Especially funny here since I'm sure the Poles and Baltoids were getting sick of holding in anti-Ukrainian slurs.

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 93 points 9 months ago

"I can excuse misogyny but I draw the line at boomer jokes"

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 57 points 10 months ago

It for the same reason why the Holodomor is considered an anti-Ukrainian genocide in particular whereas Kazakh deaths, despite being much worse proportionally, are rarely brought up.

There's a dividing line here and I can't qWhite make it out lea-think

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 55 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's not at all surprising why this is considered mind-blowing to many young people who had been spoonfed "we got bombed because of our freedumbs" their entire lives subliminally. The general knowledge of America's "shenanigans" all over the world pre-9/11, never mind the MidEast in particular, is still so far behind despite being leagues better than two decades ago.

That said, seeing a lot of people "hand it" to scum like OBL and Tucker Carlson, even here, has been driving me up the wall. The antisemitic, immaterial drivel reactionaries spew simply spreads false consciousness which distracts from the root of Israel's role as an enforcer of Western capitalist hegemony. It's our job as communists to dispel that and raise class consciousness.

[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 54 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Um, actually it's a constitutional republic, not a democracy. We can't let society devolve into mob rule by the peasants who don't understand bombing a bunch of kids is actually in their best interests.


[-] RamrodBaguette@hexbear.net 104 points 10 months ago

It's been hard trying to ram into liberals' thick skulls that the "lesser evil" voting shtick that comes every four goddamn years doesn't quite energize people to haul their asses to the booths, especially when said lesser evil is the incumbent. But I've seen some come around recently, so it's something.

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